пятница, 29 июля 2011 г.

Thwart home thefts with these easy steps – Regina Leader

Summer time is in full swing, and with it comes vacation time. Canadians take advantage of these few warm months to getaway, whether it is to a cottage, camping trip, resort or even just a day at the beach.

But while soaking up the rays, relaxing on the deck or fishing on the lake, our biggest investment — our homes — are sitting alone and unoccupied. Statistics compiled by Aviva Insurance indicate home burglaries go up 20% in July and 31% in August, with most home robberies happening at the beginning of the weekend.

Follow these easy steps to ensure your home is safe and secure while you are away.

1. Use a deadbolt on all ground-floor doors. A good deadbolt comes with a Grade 1 security rating, the highest level of home security available, and will deter wrench attacks, feature anti-pry shields and offer picking and bumping resistance.

2. Use something like a Weiser SmartKey system. Don’t hide spare keys under doormats or inside potted plants. Anything hidden can be found. The Weiser SmartKey allows you to re-key your locks yourself, meaning you can leave a spare key with a neighbour or for a service technician, and then change the lock when you get home so that key no longer works.

3. Put timers on your interior lights and home electronics. Lights that turn on as darkness falls leave the impression that somebody is home. A similar effect can be achieved by putting a home stereo or television on a timer.

4. Invest in a home alarm system that provides perimeter and interior detection services.

5. Don’t tell the world that your home is empty. This seems logical, but Tweets or Facebook status updates bragging about an upcoming vacation are all too common. It’s not too difficult to use pictures or other hints on these sites to deduce where you live, letting any would-be burglars know they have an easy target.

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