среда, 31 августа 2011 г.

Информационный бюллетень: 2011 Kia Forte

Дискуссий в прямом эфире

Как родители могут сделать это в течение учебного года

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ком / как-родители могут сделать,-это-по-школьного year.html "> Как родители могут сделать это в течение учебного года

Живая QA, в полдень EST

Классовая борьба обозреватель Джей Мэтьюз помогает родителям вернуться обратно в школу ночью.

Читать полностью или написать коммент.. Про установку спутниковых тарелок в Московской областиhttp://tarelka-tv.ru/

Kwikset, Шлаге Settle Патентный спор Re-Key технологии

Kwikset успешно защитил свой популярный SmartKey ™ смены ключей патентов на технологии, и что Kwikset иск против Шлаге за нарушение патента и ложная реклама была полюбовно решить. В качестве условия урегулирования, Шлаге согласился прекратить изготовлением и продажей всех продуктов SecureKey по состоянию на 31 декабря 2011 года.

Kwikset, ведущий поставщик аппаратных дверь и locksets, первоначально поданный иск в суд США по округу штата Делавэр против Шлаге 2 марта 2010 года, за нарушение патента повторного ключевой технологией Kwikset и за ложную рекламу – Kwikset утверждая, утверждают, что Шлаге о том, что SecureKey продукты "10 раз более безопасным", чем другие продукты блокировка была ложной и вводящей в заблуждение.

На самом деле, в стремлении доказать, повышенной устойчивостью выбрать Kwikset SmartKey, в Kwikset состоялся блокировки выбора конкурс на профессиональные слесари на агентство Ассошиэйтед Слесари Америки (Aloa Конвенции. Из 56 Kwikset засовов SmartKey, что слесари пытались забрать, только один замок был успешно выбрали, в то время, восемь минут и 16 секунд. Из 56 конкурентов засовов, что слесари пытались забрать, 44 были успешно взял, один в такой скоростью, как 7,16 секунды.

"SmartKey технологии Kwikset является признан одним из самых успешных стартов за всю историю компании", сказал Брент Flaharty, президент Kwikset. "Он въехал доходы долю рынка во всех каналах распространения. "

Kwikset был одним из первых производителей блокировки вводить повторно ключевых технологий для промышленности с ее SmartKey продукции в 2007 году, обеспечивая домовладельцев гибкость для смены ключей их замки быстро и легко, без снятия блокировки от двери. Эта особенность дает возможность домовладельцам для защиты своих домов и семей в условиях потери, кражи или невозвращенных ключей. Кроме того, запатентованная BumpGuard стороне засов технология заменяет традиционный дизайн штифтовых для защиты от блокировки натыкаясь. SmartKey засов продукты рассчитаны ANSI Класс 1, самый высокий уровень безопасности жилых помещений. В январе 2010 года, через три года после Kwikset введен SmartKey, Шлаге введен SecureKey.

"Kwikset гордится достижениями технологии мы ввели в индустрии безопасности, и поэтому считаю, что это важно защитить и сохранить нашу интеллектуальную собственность, которая включает в себя повторного ввода патенты," сказал Flaharty. "Мы продолжаем инвестировать в исследования и разработки для доставки самых инновационных технологий безопасности на рынке. SmartKey повторно ключевая технология представляет это нововведение и наша приверженность к предоставлению умных, надежных решений в области безопасности для наших клиентов. "

Дополнительные сведения о Kwikset SmartKey повторно ключевой технологией, а также другие умные решения безопасности, посетите www.kwikset.com .

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Смарт ключи способ Вайзер, чтобы Ваш дом безопасным

Смарт-ключ прибыло. Вайзер появился новый ключ, который он надеется произведет революцию домашней безопасности.

Система SmartKey использует запатентованную технологию блокировки боковой панели, которая сложнее взломать, чем традиционные пин-и-тумблер блокировки дизайна. Он также поставляется с удобной функцией, которая позволяет домовладельцам смены ключей блокировки, не удаляя его от двери или того, чтобы использовать слесаря.

Этот инновационный прогресс позволяет дать ключ к чистой няней или дом, например, зная, что когда дети выросли или при изменении услуг, вы можете повторно ключ блокировки, не беспокоясь о копии, которые могут быть плавающие вокруг. Вайзер SmartKey доступен в диапазоне от отделки и стилей; перейти к weiserlock.com.

Малый идеи пространства

Общежитие номера, как известно, небольшие, поэтому Ikea придумал небольшие пространства организации решения, хорош собой, чтобы студенты могли учиться в стиле. Вот некоторые основные моменты:

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Читать полностью или написать коммент.. Про установку спутниковых тарелок в Московской областиhttp://tarelka-tv.ru/

Европейский Smart Grid Рынок: Автоматизация Возможности

/ PRNewswire / – Reportlinker ком сообщает, что новый доклад исследования рынка доступно в своем каталоге.:

Европейский Smart Grid Рынок: Автоматизация Возможности

http://www.reportlinker.com/p0609748/European-Smart-Grid-Market-Automation-Opportunities. HTML # utm_source = prnewswireutm_medium = = prutm_campaign Electric_power_energy

Основная цель данного исследования службы является обеспечение анализа основных тенденций в европейском рынке смарт-сетки с 2007 по 2017: выявить возможности для поставщиков решений автоматизации распространенных посредством инвестиций в реализацию интеллектуальных сетей, чтобы определить последствия принятия умных сетками спроса стратегий реагирования, выявлять проблемы промышленности, движущие силы рынка и рыночных ограничений, чтобы обеспечить основные тенденции рынка и предоставлять стратегические рекомендации для провайдеров автоматизации.


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Т. EAM Methodology

Global Perspective

Smart Grid Market: Industry Challenges, Market Drivers and Restraints (, 2011-2017

Smart Grid Market: Renewable Energy in Final Energy Consumption (, 2008 and 2020

Smart Grid Market: Market Drivers and Restraints Ranked in Order of Impact (, 2011-2017

Smart Grid Market: Characteristics of Smart Grid (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Business Case (, 2009

Smart Grid Market: Demand Response Management (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Existing DR Options in the Participating Countries (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Status on Smart Metering Developments (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Relative Impact of Main Drivers by Region (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Final Electricity Consumption by Sector (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Average Annual Growth Rate in Electricity Consumption by Sector (, 1990-2007 and 2006-2007

Smart Grid Market: Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector (, 2006

Smart Grid Market: Greenhouse Emissions by Sector (, 2006

Smart Grid Market: Electricity Generation by Different Sources (, 2006

Smart Grid Market: Primary Energy Production from Renewable Energy Sources -Breakdown by Individual Source (, 2007

Smart Grid Market: Key Industry Challenges (, 2011-2017

Smart Grid Market: Model (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Key Participants by Product Category (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Competitive Analysis by Application Type (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Revenue Forecast (, 2010, 2015 and 2030

Smart Grid Market: Demand Response Control Strategies (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Electricity Utility (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: EU-DEEP Distributed Energy Resources Business Models (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Level of Demand Response Forecast in UCTE Countries (, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2020

Smart Grid Market: Impact on Market Structure (, 2010-2015

Smart Grid Market: Implications for Manufacturing(, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Control Systems Implications (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Energy Efficiency Initiatives (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Operational Efficiency Initiatives (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Energy and Carbon Trading Initiatives (, 2010

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Смарт государства готовы оправдать название

Образование форума

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Поскольку государство ставит некоторые из его самых больших изменений в сфере образования, ведущие педагоги обсуждали основные проблемы родителей, школы, TAFEs и университетов, а беспрецедентный окно возможностей в данном секторе.

Г-н Стэнли, директор Yalari основания, сказал, что пора сломать "силосов" между частным и государственным секторами и посмотреть на предоставление качественного образования для всех учащихся.

Педагоги говорили о государственной учебной программы и будет ли государство было готово.

Из ход Год 7 в средней школе и является ли 11-летних будет готов.

Из ли мы может столкнуться с остальной Австралией и сказать, что мы умные государства.

И ответы на последние три вопроса: да, да и да.

Начало боковой панели. Пропустить и перейти к концу боковой панели.

Конец боковой панели. Возвратиться к начальной боковой панели.

Национальный тестирования оказались более спорным. Некоторые объявили его мошенничества и обвинили его в уничтожении самооценку около 25 процентов студентов.

Политический комментатор Пол Уильямс сказал, что "возможно, был немного синдром страуса там происходит в течение нескольких десятилетий" в Квинсленде около счета студентов и уровень грамотности, прежде чем, наконец, позвонил NAPLAN тревогу.

"Насколько я понимаю, что было улучшение," Доктор сказал Уильямс. "Этого не может быть плохо, если он имеет ступень тревогу и начинает поднимать стандарты".

All Hallows 'Директор школы д-р Ли-Энн Перри сказал в то время как было бы полезно знать, где студенты были размещены и стандартизированного тестирования была важна, она почувствовала это зашло слишком далеко, проверяя каждые два года.

Она высоко оценила национальный учебный план и сказал, что, несмотря на некоторое беспокойство в возрасте старше иногда 11-летних переходит в среднюю школу в рамках Года 7 переход "они готовы".

Она сказала, что она также считает, современное образование было эволюционировали, чтобы иметь больше человеческого внимания и имеет жизненно важное значение для создания возможностей.

"Более высокий уровень образования, тем больше выбор у вас есть больше возможностей у вас есть", сказала она.

Обучение и высшее образование Квинсленд заместитель генерального директора Деб Дейли сказал, что был национальную учебную программу в своем секторе в течение десятилетия.

"Стандарты же ли вы получить квалификацию в Квинсленде и Новом Южном Уэльсе и Западной Австралии и … Есть реальные выгоды в том, что," сказала она.

QUT вице-канцлер профессор Питер Coaldrake сказал Смарт государство больше не говорили о как оксюморон в других государствах.

"Смарт вещей государство попало в нашей ДНК", сказал он. "С точки зрения отрасли на будущее, особенно точные науки и науки о здоровье, Квинсленд изменил позицию себе в исследования в области образования".

Для каких-либо разногласий, было также надежды.

Г-н Стэнли сказал, что окно возможностей в настоящее время для коренных образования, что важно для понимания.

Доктор Перри говорил надеюсь, что она видела в ней студентов.

Следующий сообщества Courier-Mail на форуме в среду, 14 сентября, выступит закон и порядок.


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Smart Key Развертывание грид энергетическое будущее Азиатско-Тихоокеанского

Китайский Тайбэй, 24 августа 2011 – В мире движется в сторону охватывает возобновляемых источников энергии, внедрение технологии смарт-сетки имеет важное значение для экономического и экологического будущего регионе АТЭС.

Смарт сетки являются одним из ключевых каналов для увеличения темпов внедрения технологий использования возобновляемых источников энергии, говорит д-р Джерри Ou, генеральный директор Министерства китайского Тайбэя экономики "Бюро энергетики, на открытии АТЭС совещание по решению проблем в развертывании Развитая инфраструктура замера (AMI и смарт-сетки.

"Принятие технологий использования возобновляемых источников энергии и развертывание AMI и смарт-сетки возможных решений для энергетических кризисов и охраны окружающей среды", сказал д-р Ou.

Разработка интеллектуальных сетей и развертывание AMI для облегчения доставки энергии для жилых домов и предприятий также имеет важное значение, поскольку она позволяет притока новых и возобновляемых источников энергии к потребителям.

"Чтобы двигаться вперед, нам нужен новый вид электрических сетей, который способен обеспечить новых и возобновляемых источников энергии, таких как ветровая или солнечная", сказал д-р Том Ли, председатель группы экспертов АТЭС по новым и возобновляемым энергетическим технологиям.

"Нам нужна сетка, которая может автоматизировать и управлять увеличением сложности и электрические потребности 21-го века".

АТЭС признает Разработка приложений для смарт сетки как способ решения проблемы изменения климата и повышения энергоэффективности. Смарт сетки также содействовать зеленого роста, который является ключевым приоритетом для АТЭС в 2011 году хозяин США. AMI системы рассматриваются как основополагающие технологии для интеллектуальных сетей.

Доктор Ou подчеркнул значение интеллектуальных сетей и AMI технологии АТЭС из-за его экономической и экологической значимости, если она развернута в глобальном масштабе.

Недавнего стихийного бедствия в префектуре Фукусима, Япония подчеркнули необходимость "управление спросом решения", чтобы решить кризис дефицита электроэнергии – проблемы, которые могут увеличить с ростом экологических и энергетических проблем спроса.

В 2010 году стоимость смарт-м по всему миру было 4,3 млрд. долл. США, и может достигать столько, сколько США $ 15,2 млрд. к 2016 году. В настоящее время в рамках АТЭС, около 12 миллионов смарт-счетчиков развернуты в США, где уровень проникновения достижения 8,7%. Китай закупил 48 миллионов смарт-счетчиков в последние 2 года. Китайский Тайбэй также объявил о плане развертывания АМИ в 2010 году.

АМИ является неотъемлемым компонентом интеллектуальных развития сетки, поскольку позволяет двустороннюю связь между потребителями и поставщиками. Система AMI правило, состоит из "умных метр" в помещении заказчика, сеть связи между смарт-счетчиков и полезности, а система мониторинга данных.

«Увеличение темпов внедрения технологий использования возобновляемых источников энергии зависит от умных развития сетка, которая, в свою очередь зависит от развития ОИМ", доктор сказал Оу.

"АМИ рассматривается как ключ к очереди существующей системы власти в умные, так как меры, собирает и анализирует потребление энергии. "

Двухдневный семинар АТЭС на AMI и интеллектуальных сетей следует 37-й АТЭС группы экспертов по новым и возобновляемым источникам энергии Технологии совещании, которое состоялось в начале этой недели в китайском Тайбэе, где эксперты в области энергетики из стран АТЭС собрались, чтобы обсудить свои текущие потребности приоритет энергии.

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Тест-драйв: 2012 BMW Z4 sDrive28i

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Линкольн приближается веха

Форд переизобретение бренд Lincoln проходит важный этап на этой неделе в целях более эффективно конкурировать с BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Lexus и Cadillac.

В октябре 2010 года Марк Филдс, Ford президент Америки, сказал Линкольн бы сократить количество дилеров в 130 крупнейших городских рынков от 434 до 325 к концу этого года. Те, которые выживают на себя обязательство внести определенные обязательства по состоянию на четверг. К их числу относятся:

• Стиральная любой автомобиль доставлен для обслуживания и предоставления автомобиля заемщика в большинстве случаев.

• Предоставление посвященный продаж Линкольна и обслуживающего персонала, где дилерская продажа Линкольн и Форд продуктов.

• Удаление всех вывесок Меркурий укрепить идентичность бренда Lincoln.

• обеспечение того, чтобы по крайней мере 30% продаже подержанных автомобилей служить основанием для дисциплинированных сертифицированных подержанных программы.

Обновление и выбор транспортных средств и опыта Линкольна клиент приобрел актуальность после того, Форд прекращено его 71-летний бренд Mercury в прошлом году.

В 2009 году 1187 Lincoln Mercury дилеры продали в среднем по шесть автомобилей Lincoln месяц, в то время как Lexus »226 дилерами продано около 80 автомобилей в месяц. Этот разрыв был расширен с тем, что 90% всех продаж автомобилей класса люкс приходят из 130 страны крупнейших городских агломераций.

Более половины дилеров Lincoln Mercury в сельской местности. Так как закрытие Меркурий, многие из тех сельских представительств были объединены с франшиз Ford.

Линкольн чиновники попросили некоторых дилеров к обновлению салонов и сервисных центров, но нет минимальной инвестиции, необходимые, по мнению Боба Таска младший, Крэнстон, Род-Айленд, дилер который возглавляет Национальный совет дилера Линкольна.

"Нашей конечной целью является сделать Линкольн мирового класса люксовый бренд отличную продукцию, чтобы соответствовать," Линкольн сказал представитель христианского Bokich.

В Уэйн, Уоштено, Macomb и Окленд уездах, Есть 11 Линкольн или Форд-Линкольн дилеров. Митрополит Линкольна в Гарден-Сити закрыты в начале этого года. Bokich отказался сообщить, будет ли дополнительных закрытий в метро Детройте.

"На этом рынке, они имеют виды на становится все меньше, но они будут об этом спокойно," сказал Майкл Стэнфорд, владелец Варсити Линкольна в городе Нови, который описывает себя как высокие объемы дилер страны Линкольна.

Хотя Линкольна США продажи увеличились на 40% в июле, чем годом ранее, продажи марки через первые семь месяцев 2011 года выросли всего на 1% до 49 817. Это меньше, чем вдвое меньше, чем BMW, Mercedes-Benz и Lexus каждой проданной за тот же период.

Ключ будет семь новых или значительно опресненной моделей Lincoln планирует запустить в течение ближайших трех лет, включая новый седан MKZ в следующем году.

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Mercedes-Benz S350 BlueTEC является частью Зеленого Инициативы на 2011 Открытый чемпионат США

В 2008 году Открытый чемпионат США запустила свой всеобъемлющей экологической программы и продолжает расширять свою миссию зеленые инициативы каждый год с тех пор. В этом году ключевой программы включают в себя переработку, рационального использования энергии, компостирование и с использованием бумажных изделий из не менее 30% пост-бытовых отходов.

В этом году официальным транспортным средством США Открыть, Mercedes-Benz США (MBUSA приносит все новые S350BlueTEC очистки дизельного седана в суды во Флашинге, Нью-Джерси. BlueTEC S350 является лишь одним из парка транспортных средств MBUSA используются для перевозки должностных лиц, сотрудников и спортсменов и в то же время поддержку тенниса США ассоциаций преданность зеленых инициатив.

Новый 2012 S350 Синий TEC 4MATIC полноприводной первый дизельный S-Class на рынке США с 1995 года. Работает на специально построенном 3,0-литровый дизель V6 с 240 лошадиными силами, она имеет замечательную 455 фунтов Крутящего момента и примерно 20 миль на галлон городе и 21 миль на галлон на шоссе.

"Как новатор в роскошный эко-транспорта и официальный автомобиль Открытого чемпионата США, мы находимся в хорошем положении, чтобы положительно повлиять USTA зеленые инициативы. S350 BlueTEC чистый дизель это еще одна инновационная вида транспорта в нашем портфеле экологически транспортные средства, которые обеспечивают транспортировку зеленый без необходимости жертвовать роскоши и безопасности ", сказал Стивен Кэннон, вице-президент по маркетингу Mercedes-Benz в США.

Помогаем сократить общий углеродный след из США. Открыть, Mercedes-Benz S400 гибридный седан присоединяется новый S350 Синий TEC для перевозки участников. Кроме того, более 60% флота используется для VIP-игроков и транспортировки производится до Mercedes-Benz Sprinter фургоны. S400 HYBRID функции первого литий-ионных батарей в мире, разработанный специально для автомобильного использования. Работа с 20-сильным электромотором и 275-сильный V6 бензиновый двигатель, высокая производительность, легкий литий-ионный аккумулятор обеспечивает гибридной силовой и впечатляющую экономию топлива на 30 миль на галлон оценкам на шоссе.

Более подробную информацию о MBUSA и ее продуктах можно найти на www.mbusa.

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Mercedes-Benz S350 BlueTEC присоединяется Зеленый Миссия USTA на 2011 Открытый чемпионат США

/ PRNewswire / – Как служебного автомобиля Открытого чемпионата США, Mercedes-Benz США (MBUSA возвращается в суды во Флашинге с все новые S350 BlueTEC очистки дизельного седана, которая является частью своего парка транспортных средств, используемых для спортсменов, сотрудников и должностных лиц, поддерживая приверженность USTA на экологические инициативы.

(Логотип: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20100901/NY58315LOGO

Первый дизельный S-класса в США рынке с 1995 модельного года, новый 2012 BlueTEC 4MATIC S350 полноприводная модель работает на специально построенном 3,0-литровый дизель V6 с 240 лошадиными силами, 455 Нм удивительной крутящего момента и оценил экономию топлива на 20 миль на галлон города / 31 миль на галлон шоссе.

Помимо новых BlueTEC S350, движущей силой поддержки зеленого транспорта для Открытого чемпионата США является инновационным брат S350, в Mercedes-Benz S400 гибридный седан в дополнение к парку Sprinter фургоны. Эти Mercedes-Benz экологического транспортные средства составляют более 60 процентов флота используются для игрока и VIP-перевозок в целях сокращения общих выбросов углерода в атмосферу из турнира Открытого чемпионата США. S400 HYBRID функции первого литий-ионных батарей в мире, разработанный специально для автомобильного использования. Легкий, мощный литий-ионный аккумулятор работает с 20-сильным электромотором и 275-сильный бензиновый двигатель V6 обеспечить гибридной силовой с впечатляющей экономией топлива оценивается в 30 миль на галлон на шоссе.

Открытый чемпионат США запустила свой всеобъемлющей экологической программы в 2008 году и продолжает расширять свои экологические инициативы каждый год. В 2011 году, ключевые инициативы включают в себя переработку, рационального использования энергии, компостирование и использования бумажной продукции состоит из не менее 30% пост-бытовых отходов.

"Как новатор в роскошный эко-транспорта и официальный автомобиль Открытого чемпионата США, мы находимся в хорошем положении, чтобы положительно повлиять USTA зеленые инициативы. S350 BlueTEC чистый дизель это еще одна инновационная вида транспорта в нашем портфеле экологически транспортные средства, которые обеспечивают транспортировку зеленый без необходимости жертвовать роскоши и безопасности ", сказал вице-президент по маркетингу Mercedes-Benz в США.

Mercedes-Benz в США (MBUSA штаб-квартирой в, отвечает за дистрибуцию, маркетинг и обслуживание клиентов для всех Mercedes-Benz и Maybach продуктов. MBUSA предлагает драйверы самой разнообразной линейки в люксовом сегменте с 14 модельных рядов от спортивный C-класса, чтобы флагман S-класса седанов и суперкар SLS AMG.

MBUSA также отвечает за дистрибуцию, маркетинг и обслуживание клиентов из Mercedes-Benz Vans Sprinter и смарт в США. Более подробную информацию о MBUSA и ее продуктах можно найти на www.mbusa.com , www.mbsprinterusa.com и www.smartusa.com .

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Mercedes-Benz Австралия / Тихоокеанский Pty Ltd: полугодие финансового отчета 2011 от 30 июня 2011 года Mercedes-Benz …

Mercedes-Benz Австралия / Тихоокеанский Pty Ltd: полугодие финансового отчета 2011 от 30 июня 2011 года Mercedes-Benz Австралия / Тихоокеанский теперь доступен онлайн

DGAP-Новости: Mercedes-Benz Австралия / Тихоокеанский Пти ООО / ключевые слова (ы: Промежуточный отчет Mercedes-Benz Австралия / Тихоокеанский Pty Ltd: полугодие финансового отчета 2011 от 30 июня 2011 года Mercedes-Benz Австралия / Тихоокеанский регион теперь доступен онлайн

31.08.2011 / 10:02

Первое полугодие финансового отчета 2011 от 30 июня 2011 года Mercedes-Benz Австралия / Тихоокеанский доступно на http://www.daimler.com/ir/fixedincome/reports.

Это регулируется информацию в соответствии с публикацией требованиям Закона о транспарентности и связанных с ними правил Люксембурга.

Эта информация была выданных Mercedes-Benz Австралия / Тихого океана и Daimler AG. Mercedes-Benz Австралия / Тихоокеанский финансы части деятельности группы Daimler. Компания полностью принадлежит Daimler Австралия / Тихоокеанский Pty Ltd, полностью принадлежащей дочерней компании Daimler AG.

Mercedes-Benz Австралия / Тихоокеанский Pty Ltd казначейства 41-44 Лексия Place, Малгрейв Виктория 3170 Австралия

Тел: +61 3 9566 6286 Факс: +61 3 9566 6241

Конец Корпоративные новости

31. 08,2011 Распространение Корпоративные новости, переданные DGAP – компания EquityStory AG. Эмитент несет полную ответственность за содержание этого объявления.

Распределение по DGAP' Услуги включают в себя регулированию Объявления, финансовые / Корпоративные новости и пресс-релизы. Медиа-архив в www.dgap-medientreff.de и www.dgap.de

137 640 31.08.

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DGAP-Новости: Mercedes-Benz Австралия / Тихоокеанский Pty Ltd: полугодие финансового отчета 2011 от 30 июня 2011 года Mercedes …

DGAP-Новости: Mercedes-Benz Австралия / Тихоокеанский Пти ООО / ключевые слова (ы: Промежуточный отчет Mercedes-Benz Австралия / Тихоокеанский Pty Ltd: полугодие финансового отчета 2011 от 30 июня 2011 года Mercedes-Benz Австралия / Тихоокеанский регион теперь доступен онлайн

нетто / реклама / Fit / мун / Unternehmen / алле; кВт = нужным, uebersicht; Sz = 300×250; плитки = 4;? ог = 123456789 "граница =" 0 "ALT =" "/> 31.08.2011 / 10:02 ————————————————– ——————- Первое полугодие финансового отчета 2011 от 30 июня 2011 года Mercedes-Benz Австралия / Тихоокеанский доступно на http://www.daimler.com/ir/fixedincome/reports. Это регулируется информацию в соответствии с публикацией требованиям Закона о транспарентности и связанных с ними правил Люксембурга. <! – B1104: 5 -> Эта информация была выданных Mercedes-Benz Австралия / Тихого океана и Daimler AG. Mercedes-Benz Австралия / Тихоокеанский финансы части деятельности группы Daimler. Компания полностью принадлежит Daimler Австралия / Тихоокеанский Pty Ltd, полностью принадлежащей дочерней компании Daimler AG. Mercedes-Benz Австралия / Тихоокеанский Pty Ltd казначейства 41-44 Лексия Place, Малгрейв Виктория 3170 Австралия Тел: +61 3 9566 6286 Факс: +61 3 9566 6241 Конец Корпоративные новости ————————————————– ——————- 31.08. 2011 Распространение Корпоративные новости, переданные DGAP – компания EquityStory AG. Эмитент несет полную ответственность за содержание этого объявления. Услуги DGAP в распределении включают регулированию Объявления, финансовые / Корпоративные новости и пресс-релизы. Медиа-архив в www.dgap-medientreff.de и www.dgap.de ————————————————– ——————- 137640 31.08.2011 ————————————————– ————————- Firmenname: Mercedes-Benz Австралия / Тихоокеанский Пти ООО ; Земля: Австралия; БВ Selektoren: 1С; <!

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Sparkassen Immob.

Daniel Kaboth was recently appointed as the third managing director of S IMMO Germany. He will head up the company, which is a subsidiary of the Austrian S IMMO AG and is domiciled in Berlin, together with Olaf Karkhoff and Robert Neumüller. The company manages about 200 properties with a total area of roughly 535,000 m². Germany is S IMMO Group's second largest market.

Daniel Kaboth has served as managing director of Maior Domus Hausverwaltungs GmbH, which is also a subsidiary of S IMMO AG, since 2009. Previously, he gained a wealth of industry experience working at various real estate companies. The native of Berlin is a certified professional in property and residential management, and he studied business administration with an emphasis in real estate at the "Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin".

At the same time, Olaf Karkhoff was appointed to the management team of Maior Domus, where he will be responsible for the activities of the property management company along with Daniel Kaboth and Markus Burghardt. After earning his degree in architecture, Olaf Karkhoff completed a master's degree in real estate management at the "Technische Universität Berlin". He started his career as an architect and then gained further real estate experience as procurator of a German project management company.

"With this personnel decision, we are bringing and property management closer together in Germany, which will benefit our tenants, our properties and, ultimately, our investors," said Ernst Vejdovsky, Member of the S IMMO Board.

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S Immo: earnings more than doubled in the first half of 2011

Stock exchange listed S Immo AG has positive results to report for the first half of 2011. Compared with the same period last year, rental income, gross profit and EBIT have all increased significantly. "After a successful start to 2011, S Immo's positive performance continued in the second quarter. With our operating results being exactly on target we have further increased the potential of our Share," says Ernst Vejdovszky, Member of S Immo AG's Management Board.

Rental income for the first half of 2011 was more than satisfactory at € 61. 7m (first half of 2010: € 48.2m. The buildings in Vienna's Viertel Zwei, acquired last December, contributed fully to earnings for the first time. The growth in rental income was also partly attributable to income from development projects that were completed during the last financial year.

The continuing positive trend in hotel business in Vienna and Budapest was reflected in the performance of S Immo's hotels. Income from hotel operations increased from € 17.0m to € 19.6m. Despite a slight increase in expenses of hotel operations, profits in the first half of 2011 were up by 25% to € 4.2m. Overall, gross profit for the first half of 2011 rose 30.5% to € 54.5m compared with € 41.8m in the same period last year.

In the first half of 2011, S Immo disposed of four properties in Vienna and Berlin as well as four apartments in the mixed residential and office building Neutor 1010 in Vienna. The gains on property disposal amounted to € 3.9m and were a major contribution to raising the EBITDA from € 36.8m to € 49.5m, an increase of 34.7% compared with the same period last year. EBIT was up by 70.6% to € 51.3m (first half of 2010: € 30.1m.

As at 30 June 2011, financing costs amounted to € 32. 0m, including a non-cash foreign exchange loss of € 3.4m. The loss was a result of the decline of the €O against currencies in Central and Southeastern Europe (Romanian leu, Hungarian forint, Czech crown and Croatian kuna. The overall net income for the period doubled compared with the same period last year and amounted to € 10.1m.

Compared with the first half of 2010, S Immo achieved a significant increase in funds from operations (FFO, which jumped 31.6% to € 21.6m. The Group's excellent performance was also reflected in improved NOI, which rose from € 38.7m to € 50.2m. Operating cash flow for the first half year was € 51.3m, an increase of 81.9% compared with the same period last year.

EPRA NAV, the net asset value of the share calculated in accordance with the guidelines of the European Public Real Estate Association, was also up again to € 8.54 per share, compared with € 8.34 per share at the end of 2010.

European Stocks May See Further Upside

(RTTNews – European stocks may edge higher on Tuesday, extending the previous session’s gains, after strong U.S. consumer spending data eased fears that the world’s largest economy was falling back into another recession.

Asian stock markets are rising across the board, with Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index leading the gains lifted by mainland banks. Brent crude futures are firm above $112 a barrel after yesterday’s U.S. consumer spending data boded well for fuel demand.

The dollar is weakening against the yen and the euro as risk appetite improved with stronger equities amid speculation the economic recovery would not falter.

Meanwhile, the International Monetary Fund has lowered its growth forecast for the U.S. and Eurozone and urged the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank to be prepared to ease monetary policy, reports quoted Italy’s ANSA news agency as saying.

According to a draft report of the IMF’s World Economic Outlook, received by ANSA, U.S. gross domestic product this year is estimated at 1.6 percent, down from a 2. 5 percent forecast in June, while the 2012 outlook was cut to 2 percent from 2.7 percent.

The draft report, to be released in September, also forecasts Eurozone economy to grow 1.9 percent this year, slower than the 2 percent expansion predicted in June. The eurozone growth outlook for 2012 was trimmed to 1.4 percent from 1.7 percent.

Closer home, the Italian government has dropped plans to introduce a tax on high earners and scaled back the proposed cuts to local authority funding, bowing to pressure from allies and salary earnings.

In economic releases, the squeeze on Britain’s services sector has intensified after an unexpected drop in spending on accountancy, legal and marketing work, data shows. The Confederation of British Industry said that business volumes fell at the fastest rate in August since November 2009, adding to fears that the economic recovery could falter in the coming months.

In corporate news, British telecom giant Vodafone Group Plc said that it has begun talks with Largo to explore a potential business combination between Vodafone Greece and privately-owned Wind Hellas Telecommunications SA.

Australian miner Macarthur Coal has backed a revised takeover offer from Peabody Energy and ArcelorMittal.

S IMMO AG said its net income attributable to shareholders in parent for the six months ended June rose to EUR 7.3 million from EUR 6.2 million in the prior year period.

Nanogate AG said it is very likely that it would substantially exceed the sales forecast of EUR 30 million for 2011.

 <a href="http://www.rttnews.com/ArticleView.aspx?

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Duvenbeck to supply Daimler in Kecskemét

MAPI Magyar Fejlesztési Iroda Zrt and Duvenbeck IMMO Logisztikai Kft are building a logistics center adjacent to Daimler’s new factory in Kecskemét, east Hungary, business daily Napi Gazdaság reports.

Duvenbeck has won HUF 250 million in state and EU grants to support the investment, which is hoped to create 200 new jobs within the next two years. The project, which includes a 14,000-sqm logistic center and a 5,800-sqm factory, will cost HUF 720 million.

Duvenbeck said it has signed a 3-year contract with Mercedes for warehousing and component supply. The factory is scheduled to go online early September this year, to be followed by a 9,000-sqm warehouse extension by December 2012.

Duvenbeck is also applying for a HUF 100 million in EU grants to buy machinery worth HUF 621 million. By the end of this year, the company plans to hire 70 staff.

Set up in 2003 as a fully Hungarian-owned company, MAPI is one of the largest investment consultancy firms.

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EANS-Adhoc: S IMMO AG / earnings more than doubled in the first half of 2011

<form action="/story.

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Mercedes-Benz S350 BlueTEC Joins USTA’s Green Mission for 2011 US Open

, /PRNewswire/ — As the Official Vehicle of the US Open, Mercedes-Benz USA (MBUSA is returning to the courts in Flushing with the all new S350 BlueTEC clean-diesel sedan that is part of its fleet of vehicles used for athletes, staff and officials while supporting the USTA’s commitment to green initiatives.

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20100901/NY58315LOGO

The first diesel-powered S-Class in the U.S. market since the 1995 model year, the new 2012 S350 BlueTEC 4MATIC all-wheel drive model is powered by a purpose-built 3.0-liter V6 diesel with 240 horsepower, an astonishing 455 lb.-ft. of torque and estimated fuel economy of 20 mpg city / 31 mpg highway.

Beyond the new S350 BlueTEC, a driving force behind supporting green transportation for the US Open is the S350′s innovative sibling, the Mercedes-Benz S400 HYBRID sedan in addition to a fleet of Sprinter Vans.  These Mercedes-Benz eco vehicles represent over 60 percent of the fleet used for player and VIP transportation in an effort to reduce the overall carbon footprint of the US Open tournament.  The S400 HYBRID features the world’s first lithium-ion battery designed specifically for automotive use.  The light-weight, high-capacity lithium-ion battery works with a 20-horsepower electric motor and a 275-hp V6 gasoline engine to provide hybrid power with impressive fuel economy estimated at 30 miles per gallon on the highway.

The US Open launched its comprehensive environmental program in 2008 and continues to expand its green initiatives each year.  In 2011, key initiatives include recycling, energy management, composting and utilizing paper products comprised of at least 30% post-consumer waste.

«As an innovator in luxury eco-transportation and the Official vehicle of the US Open, we are in a good position to positively impact the USTA’s green initiatives.  The S350 BlueTEC clean diesel is another innovative mode of transport in our portfolio of eco vehicles that provide green transportation without having to sacrifice luxury or safety,» said , Vice President of Marketing for Mercedes-Benz USA.

Mercedes-Benz USA (MBUSA, headquartered in , is responsible for the distribution, marketing and customer service for all Mercedes-Benz and Maybach products in .  MBUSA offers drivers the most diverse line-up in the luxury segment with 14 model lines ranging from the sporty C-Class to the flagship S-Class sedans and the SLS AMG supercar.

MBUSA is also responsible for the distribution, marketing and customer service of Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Vans and smart in the US.  More information on MBUSA and its products can be found at www.mbusa.com, www.mbsprinterusa.com and www.smartusa.com.

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Mercedes-Benz Australia/Pacific Pty Ltd: Half Year Financial Report 2011 as of June 30, 2011 of Mercedes-Benz …

Mercedes-Benz Australia/Pacific Pty Ltd: Half Year Financial
Report 2011 as of June 30, 2011 of Mercedes-Benz Australia/Pacific
is now available online

DGAP-News: Mercedes-Benz Australia/Pacific Pty. Ltd. / Key word(s:
Interim Report Mercedes-Benz Australia/Pacific Pty Ltd: Half Year
Financial Report 2011 as of June 30, 2011 of Mercedes-Benz
Australia/Pacific is now available online

31.08.2011 / 10:02

The Half Year Financial Report 2011 as of June 30, 2011 of
Mercedes-Benz Australia/Pacific is available on

This is a regulated information according to the publication
requirements of the Transparency Law and related regulations of

This information has been issued by Mercedes-Benz Australia/Pacific
and Daimler AG. Mercedes-Benz Australia/Pacific finances parts of
the activities of the Daimler Group. The company is fully owned by
Daimler Australia/Pacific Pty Ltd, a fully owned subsidiary of
Daimler AG.

Mercedes-Benz Australia/Pacific Pty Ltd Treasury 41-44 Lexia Place,
Mulgrave Victoria 3170 Australia

Tel:  +61 3 9566 6286 Fax:  +61 3 9566 6241

End of Corporate News

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DGAP-News: Mercedes-Benz Australia/Pacific Pty Ltd: Half Year Financial Report 2011 as of June 30, 2011 of Mercedes …


Mercedes-Benz Australia/Pacific Pty Ltd: Half Year Financial Report 2011 as of June 30, 2011 of Mercedes-Benz Australia/Pacific is now available online

DGAP-News: Mercedes-Benz Australia/Pacific Pty. Ltd. / Key word(s:

Interim Report

Mercedes-Benz Australia/Pacific Pty Ltd: Half Year Financial Report

2011 as of June 30, 2011 of Mercedes-Benz Australia/Pacific is now

available online

31.08. 2011 / 10:02


The Half Year Financial Report 2011 as of June 30, 2011 of Mercedes-Benz

Australia/Pacific is available on


This is a regulated information according to the publication requirements

of the Transparency Law and related regulations of Luxembourg.

This information has been issued by Mercedes-Benz Australia/Pacific and

Daimler AG. Mercedes-Benz Australia/Pacific finances parts of the

activities of the Daimler Group. The company is fully owned by Daimler

Australia/Pacific Pty Ltd, a fully owned subsidiary of Daimler AG.

Mercedes-Benz Australia/Pacific Pty Ltd


41-44 Lexia Place, Mulgrave

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Mercedes-Benz S350 BlueTEC Joins USTA’s Green Mission for 2011 US Open

Click to display full press release com/prnthumb/20100901/NY58315LOGO "/> com/prnthumb/20100901/NY58315LOGO "alt =" Mercedes-Benz USA 3D LOGONew 2011 Mercedes-Benz USA logo. (PRNewsFoto / Mercedes-Benz USAMONTVALE, NJ U.S. "class =" logo "rel =" newsImage "/> Download Image <! – Endclickprintexclude ->

, / PRNewswire / – As the official vehicle of the U.S. Open, Mercedes-Benz USA (MBUSA is returning to court in Flushing with the new S350 BlueTEC clean diesel sedan that is part of its fleet of vehicles for athletes, officials and other support staff, while the USTA's commitment to green initiatives.

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20100901/NY58315LOGO

The first diesel S-Class in the U.S. market from model year 1995, the new 2012 S350 BlueTEC 4MATIC all-wheel drive model is powered by an integrated 3.0-liter V6 diesel with 240 horsepower, a staggering 455 pounds-ft. of torque and estimated fuel economy of 20/31 mpg city mpg highway.

Beyond the new BlueTEC S350, a driving force behind green transportation support for U.S. Open is the brother innovative S350, Mercedes-Benz S400 hybrid sedan, plus a fleet of vans Sprinter. These eco Mercedes-Benz vehicles represent over 60 percent of the fleet used for the player and VIP transportation in an effort to reduce the total carbon footprint of the U.S. Open tournament. The S400 Hybrid with the first-ion battery designed specifically for automotive use. The lightweight, high-capacity lithium-ion powered by a 20 hp electric power and a 275-hp V6 gasoline to power hybrid with impressive fuel economy estimated at 30 miles per gallon on the highway.

The U.S. Open launched its environmental program in 2008 and remains integral to expand its green initiatives each year. In 2011, major initiatives include recycling, energy management, composting and the use of paper products composed of at least 30% post-consumer waste.

"As an innovator in the luxury eco-transport and the official vehicle of the U.S. Open, we are in a good position to positively impact the environmental initiatives of the USTA. The S350 BlueTEC clean diesel is another innovative way of transport in our portfolio of environmentally friendly vehicles that provide transportation green without sacrificing luxury or safety, "said Vice President of Marketing for Mercedes-Benz USA.

Mercedes-Benz USA (MBUSA, headquartered in, is responsible for the distribution service, marketing and customers for all Mercedes-Benz and Maybach products. MBUSA offers drivers the most diverse range in the luxury segment with 14 models ranging lines from the C-Class sports for the flagship S-Class sedan and SLS AMG supercar.

MBUSA is also responsible for the distribution, marketing and customer service of Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Vans and smart in the US.  More information on MBUSA and its products can be found at www.mbusa.com, www.mbsprinterusa.com and www.smartusa.com.

SOURCE Mercedes-Benz USA

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RELATED LINKShttp://www.mbusa.

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The Gaddafi family – its key members

• Muammar Gaddafi. The former dictator of 69 years, is now a fugitive from international justice. Although his whereabouts are unknown was reportedly last seen in Tripoli on Friday. He has vowed to fight or die in the country of his birth, and who ruled for nearly 42 uninterrupted years after the 1969 coup that brought him to power.

Safia al-Farkash • Baraasi. The second wife of Brother Leader stylish is about 50 years and mother of seven of eight biological children. He trained as a nurse and met with Gaddafi, when she was appendicitis in 1971. She owned an airline called Buraq Air, but – despite their enormous wealth – was known for her discretion. She entered in Algeria, as reported in an armored Mercedes-Benz .

• Aisha Gaddafi.'s Daughter 35 years Gaddafi is a lawyer who has been called the "Claudia Schiffer of North Africa" ​​because of its glamorous look. At one point she helped defend Saddam Hussein against charges of crimes against humanity – the experience is likely to be useful in the months ahead. Aisha was a goodwill ambassador for the UN. He is currently in Algeria and has given birth to her fourth child .

• Muhammad Qaddafi.'s Eldest son 41 years old, the colonel of his first wife once saw as a possible successor. Without military training, Muhammad was always going to be missed, and ended up focusing on the roles in the burgeoning mobile phone industry in Libya. Muhammad surrendered to rebel forces in Tripoli, but then escaped , before joining the caravan of the family to Algeria. Muhammad is still head of the Libyan Olympic Committee.

• Saif al-Islam Gaddafi. At age 39, which is the London School of Economics educated reformer who pledged to bring democracy to dictatorship and to open to the outside world. At the beginning of the rebellion, was videotaped wielding a machine gun, however, and promising to kill the enemies of his father. This earned him a criminal warrant Saif international judicial custody. His whereabouts are currently unknown, although some argue it was last seen in Bani Walid, south of Tripoli.

• Al-Saadi Gaddafi. The 38-year-old is the third son of Colonel, is an entrepreneur and former footballer, who captained the national team of Libya, and made ​​a brief appearance in the Serie A side Perugia and Udinese. He was the commander of special forces in Libya and an Interpol arrest warrant against him is outstanding. Reportedly hiding with her brother Saif al-Islam.

• Hannibal Gaddafi. The notoriously fiery temper fourth son of Gaddafi is now 35 and a Western businessman does, having earned an MBA in shipping economics and logistics at the Copenhagen Business School. In 2008 he was accused of assaulting his servants in a Swiss hotel, which led to a diplomatic war between Libya and Switzerland . Hannibal is currently in Algeria.

• Al-Gaddafi Moatassem-Billah. In April 2009, the fifth son of Gaddafi, 34, met with Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, the most high-profile exchange between Libya and the United . UU. in nearly four decades. Moatassem newly appointed national security adviser. A year before his father had impressed seeking more than $ 1bn to form their own brigade of special forces. Until recently, he commanded the army units in the region of Brega. It is believed that the fight with the troops of his father.

sixth son Saif al-Arab Gaddafi. Gaddafi was 29 when he was guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/01/libya-muammar-gaddafi-son-nato "title =" Guardian: Muammar Gaddafi son killed by the government of NATO air attack Libyan "> killed in an airstrike NATO in the beginning of the rebellion .. This was after having been put in charge of a military division of his father to stop the demonstrators in Benghazi. Saif was injured in the bombing attack on the U.S. . 1986, when he was four years old.

• Khamis Gaddafi. At 28, the youngest son of Gaddafi was in charge of the brigade of the army feared Libyan Khamis. Since March, his death has been reported by the rebels many times, but remains unconfirmed. He trained as a soldier in Russia.

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Lincoln milestone approaches

Reinvention of the brand Ford Lincoln passed a major milestone this week in an effort to more effectively compete with BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Lexus and Cadillac.

In October 2010, Mark Fields, Ford's president of the Americas, said Lincoln could reduce the number of distributors in major metropolitan markets of 434 130 to about 325 later this year. Those who survive are committed to make certain commitments as of Thursday. These include:

• Wash a car brought by the service and offer a car loan in most cases.

• Provide a dedicated sales and service personnel Lincoln at a dealership is selling Lincoln and Ford.

• Elimination of all signaling mercury to reinforce the identity of the Lincoln brand.

• Ensure at least 30% of sales of used vehicles will be done under a disciplined certified pre-owned program.

Improvement in the selection of vehicles and the Lincoln customer experience gained urgency after Ford phased out its 71-year-old Mercury brand last year.

In 2009, 1,187 Lincoln Mercury dealers sold an average of six Lincoln vehicles a month, while 226 Lexus dealers sold about 80 vehicles per month. That gap widened by the fact that 90% of sales of luxury cars largest in the nation from 130 metropolitan areas.

More than half of Lincoln Mercury dealers are in rural areas. Since the closure of Mercury, many dealers in rural areas have been combined with Ford franchises.

Lincoln officials have called some dealers to renovate their showrooms and service centers, but there is no minimum investment requirement, according to Bob Tasca Jr., Cranston, RI, dealer, who chairs the National Council of Lincoln dealers.

"Our ultimate goal is to make a Lincoln luxury brand of world class products with excellent game," said spokesman Christian Bokich Lincoln.

In the counties of Wayne, Washtenaw, Macomb and Oakland, there are 11 dealers Ford Lincoln or Lincoln. Metropolitan Lincoln in Garden City closed earlier this year. Bokich declined to say whether there will be additional closures in the Detroit metropolitan area.

"In this market, with increasingly smaller designs, but they go about it quietly," said Michael Stanford, owner of Varsity Lincoln in Novi, who is described as the highest volume dealer in the nation of Lincoln .

While U.S. sales of Lincoln increased 40% in July from a year earlier, sales of the brand through the first seven months of 2011 increased only 1% to 49,817. That's less than half of BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Lexus each sold in the same period.

The key will be seven new models or significantly freshened Lincoln plans to launch in the next three years, including a new MKZ sedan next year.

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Kwikset, Schlage settle patent disputes on Re-Key Technology

Kwikset has successfully defended its popular SmartKey ™ re-key technology patents, and that the lawsuit against Kwikset Schlage for violation of patent and false advertising has been resolved amicably. As a condition of settlement, Schlage has agreed to stop manufacturing and selling all products SecureKey to December 31, 2011.

Kwikset, a leading provider of door hardware and locks, which originally filed the lawsuit in Federal District Court for the District of Delaware against Schlage on March 2, 2010, for violation of patents re-introduce the technology and Kwikset misleading advertising – Kwikset Schlage claim alleging that the products SecureKey are "10 times safer" than the products of another lock was false and misleading.

In fact, in an effort to demonstrate superior resistance to pick Kwikset SmartKey is a competition organized Kwikset lock-picking to professional locksmiths Associated Locksmiths of America (ALOA Convention. Of the 56 Kwikset SmartKey locks locksmiths who tried to pick only one block was successfully collected, at a time of eight minutes and 16 seconds. Of the 56 locks locksmiths competitor who tried to pick up, 44 were arrested successful one in just 7.16 seconds.

"Kwikset SmartKey technology is recognized as one of the most successful launches in the history of the company," said Brent Flaharty, President of Kwikset. "It has boosted market share gains in all distribution channels. "

Kwikset was one of the first lock manufacturers to introduce the re-key technology to the industry with its products SmartKey in 2007, giving owners the flexibility to re-enter their blocks quickly and easily without removing the lock the door. This feature allows owners to protect their homes and families against the loss, theft or unreturned keys. In addition, the patented locking technology replaces BumpGuard design bar pin traditional drum lock for protection against shock. SmartKey lock products are rated ANSI Grade 1, the highest level of residential security. In January 2010, three years after Kwikset SmartKey introduced, Schlage SecureKey presented.

"Kwikset is proud of the technological advances we have made to the security industry and, therefore, we believe it is critical to defend and preserve our intellectual property includes patents re-enter," said Flaharty. "We continue to invest in research and development to provide innovative security technologies on the market. SmartKey technology re-introduce this innovation and represents our commitment to providing intelligent solutions to our customers reliable security. "

For more information on Kwikset SmartKey technology to re-enter and other intelligent security solutions, visit www.kwikset.com .

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District receives a smartphone application

McKinney ISD became smartphone expert just in time for the next school year.

Parents, students and staff can now access information from the district and the school in its smartphones through a new application, called misdGO free. "We wanted to have critical information on our website and student information system and deliver directly to our students and parents," said Cody Cunningham, director of communications for McKinney ISD. "In many cases, our parents and students access to their phones much more than a desktop computer. "

The application misdGO provides real-time alerts for news, daily menus of food for primary schools, high schools, updated calendar of events, maps of the river, "the skills and real-time update score McKinney schools to student sports games. Personal communication MISD misdGO helped create in the last six months through its partnership with WillowTree Applications, a developer of mobile applications based in Charlottesville, Va.WillowTree Applications, founded in 2007, was one of the first companies nationwide to launch an iPhone application. Spotasaurus was developed, a popular consumer-centric, location-based iPhone application that shows the drivers in the nearest parking garage with spaces available and the company pricing.The had in recent years has developed misdGO an application similar to, only it was designed by the University of Virginia and other universities. Tobias Dengel, chief executive officer (CEO WillowTree Applications, said McKinney ISD in contact with several developers before asking WillowTree to create a branch of his college application. "It was a great experience working with the team of McKinney," said Dengel. "What we have done is truly innovative. It is the most advanced mobile application for the secondary schools are aware of. The key concept is how to involve parents in the education of their students. This application is the easiest way for them to remain constantly informed because their phones are with them all the time. "The application misdGO gives parents and students access to much of the same information is available at the McKinney ISD website. The Access Center (HAC icon users can access student grades, reports of progress, attendance and class work, but currently only includes the schools. Other icons for users to access personal contact information, the status of library books, the most recent performances and upcoming fine arts and the new seats in the district. "The initial reaction has been overwhelmingly positive," said Cunningham. The vast majority of our parents smartphones, and that number is increasing daily. In some cases, families have access to a smart phone, but not necessarily a computer at home. The affordability of the devices and plans not only drive parents to buy them, but we are seeing an exponential increase in the number of students who use smartphones. "Users can download the application misdGO free on the Apple iPhone and Android, and BlackBerry users should be able to download at the end of August. The district reallocated funds normally used for the entire district and publications-mail implementing pay outs for easy access.

"We can spend between $ 15,000 and $ 20,000 in one publication mailed to parents," said Cunningham. "In many cases, these are pulled before they are read, and have a short life. Just invests these funds in something that is much more dynamic and relevant to our stakeholders. "Cunningham added that the application could save the district between $ 20,000 and $ 30,000 in annual printing costs later this year. McKinney ISD will print fewer publications in English and Spanish for parents and students who do not have access to a computer or smart phone.For many, however, the application adapts to his name -. easy access on the fly "If we are to engage students and parents in the learning process," said Cunningham, "We have to be are rather than trying to force elsewhere. "For more information about the application misdGO visit net / misdgo "> www.mckinneyisd.net / misdgo. For a video introduction of the application, visit http://blip.tv/met-media/misd-go-app-5463881 .

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European Smart Grid Market: Opportunities for automation

, / PRNewswire / – Reportlinker report com announces that a new market research is available in its catalog.:

European Smart Grid Market: Opportunities for automation

http://www.reportlinker.com/p0609748/European-Smart-Grid-Market-Automation-Opportunities. html # utm_source = = = prnewswireutm_medium prutm_campaign Electric_power_energy

The main objective of this research service is to provide an analysis of key trends in the European smart grid market from 2007 to 2017: to identify opportunities for suppliers of automation solutions often through investments in the implementation of intelligent networks to determine the implications of the adoption of intelligent networks demand response strategies, to identify industry challenges, market drivers and constraints of the market to deliver key market trends and to offer recommendations strategic suppliers of automation solutions.


Research Methodology


Definitions and Scope

Executive Summary

Intelligent concepts and key factors for Smart Growth in buildings, networks and


Industry challenges, market drivers and constraints

European Smart Grid Market Trends

State of the electricity sector

Electricity consumption

Electricity, emission source

European Union Policy for Energy

Electricity, Renewable Energy Source Landscape

Industry challenges, market drivers and constraints

Identification of Challenges

Industry challenges in Order of Impact

Mapping impact of drivers and constraints

Market Drivers

Market restrictions

A better approach to Grid-Smart Power

Smart Grid-new approach to electricity

Smart Grid-Introduction and Design

Smart Grid-Model

Key Smart Grid-market participants

Smart Grid Mapping Competition 2010

Smart Grid-Market Potential

Smart Energy Grid-regulators and agencies

International Smart Grid Initiatives

The demand for management response to energy efficiency step

Responding to the demand, what is happening now?

Response-demand What does this mean?

Answer-What is the demand?

Responding to the demand scenarios and Energy Management

EU-DEEP distributed energy resources Business Models

DR Options participating countries

Responding to Europe's demand Potential Market

Smart Metering to drive in response to demand

Smart Meter Implementation of the EU Member States

On the state of development of smart metering

Smart Grid Implementation-Examples and Best Practices

Smart Grid Implementation-Example

Smart Grid-Case Studies

Smart Grid-A prospects and their implications for manufacturing

Evolution of the Demand Management Response

Smart grid, demand response Implications for manufacturing

Smart Grid Control Implications

Future Directions for Intelligent Network

Market Trends


Database of Key Industry Participants

Abbreviations and Acronyms

About Frost Sullivan

Who is Frost Sullivan

What makes us unique

T. EAM Methodology

Global Perspective

Smart Grid Market: Industry Challenges, Market Drivers and Restraints (, 2011-2017

Smart Grid Market: Renewable Energy in Final Energy Consumption (, 2008 and 2020

Smart Grid Market: Market Drivers and Restraints Ranked in Order of Impact (, 2011-2017

Smart Grid Market: Characteristics of Smart Grid (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Business Case (, 2009

Smart Grid Market: Demand Response Management (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Existing DR Options in the Participating Countries (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Status on Smart Metering Developments (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Relative Impact of Main Drivers by Region (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Final Electricity Consumption by Sector (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Average Annual Growth Rate in Electricity Consumption by Sector (, 1990-2007 and 2006-2007

Smart Grid Market: Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector (, 2006

Smart Grid Market: Greenhouse Emissions by Sector (, 2006

Smart Grid Market: Electricity Generation by Different Sources (, 2006

Smart Grid Market: Primary Energy Production from Renewable Energy Sources -Breakdown by Individual Source (, 2007

Smart Grid Market: Key Industry Challenges (, 2011-2017

Smart Grid Market: Model (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Key Participants by Product Category (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Competitive Analysis by Application Type (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Revenue Forecast (, 2010, 2015 and 2030

Smart Grid Market: Demand Response Control Strategies (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Electricity Utility (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: EU-DEEP Distributed Energy Resources Business Models (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Level of Demand Response Forecast in UCTE Countries (, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2020

Smart Grid Market: Impact on Market Structure (, 2010-2015

Smart Grid Market: Implications for Manufacturing(, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Control Systems Implications (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Energy Efficiency Initiatives (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Operational Efficiency Initiatives (, 2010

Smart Grid Market: Energy and Carbon Trading Initiatives (, 2010

<a href="http://www. reportlinker.com/ci01337/Electric-power-energy.html "/>

The electricity power Business News

More Market Research Report

See our analysis of the industry and Perceptions

Nicolas BombourgReportlinkerEmail: NBO @ reportlinker.

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Smart Grid key for the future expansion of the Asia-Pacific Energy

China Taipei, August 24, 2011 – As the world moves to adopt renewable energy solutions, the adoption of smart grid technology is vital to the economic and environmental future of the APEC region.

Smart grids are one of the key conduits to increase the rate of adoption of renewable energy technologies, said Dr. Jerry Ou, Director General of Chinese Taipei's Ministry of Economic Affairs Bureau of Energy, at the opening of the seminar APEC on the challenges in addressing the implementation of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI and smart grids.

"The adoption of renewable energy technologies and the deployment of AMI and smart grids are possible solutions to the energy crisis and environmental protection," said Ou.

The development of intelligent networks and the deployment of AMI to facilitate the supply of power to homes and businesses is also important because it allows the flow of the sources of new and renewable energy to consumers.

"Going forward, we need a new type of power that is capable of delivering new energy sources and renewables such as wind or solar," said Dr. Tom Lee, President of the APEC Expert Group on New Energy Technologies and Renewable.

"We need a network that can automate and manage the increased complexity and electrical needs of the 21st century."

APEC recognizes that the development of intelligent networks, as a way to address climate change and energy efficiency. Smart grids also promote green growth, a key priority for APEC in 2011 U.S. host. AMI systems are seen as basic technology for intelligent networks.

Dr. Ou, underscored the value of smart grids and AMI technology for APEC economies, due to its economic and environmental significance if it is deployed worldwide.

The recent disaster in Fukushima, Japan stressed the need for "solutions demand management" to resolve the power shortage crisis – problems that increase with the growth in demand for energy and environmental challenges.

In 2010, the value of smart meters across the world was U.S. $ 4.3 billion, and can reach U.S. $ 15.2 billion in 2016. Currently within the APEC economies, about 12 million smart meters are deployed in the U.S., with a penetration rate reached 8.7%. China has purchased 48 million smart meters in the last 2 years. Chinese Taipei has also announced a plan to deploy AMI in 2010.

AMI is an integral component of intelligent networks, allowing two-way communication between consumers and suppliers. An AMI system typically consists of a "smart meter" in the customer premise, a network of communication between the smart meter and the utility, and a system to monitor data.

"The increase in the rate of adoption of renewable energy technologies depends on the development of smart grids, which in turn depends on the development of AMI," Dr. Ou said.

"AMI is considered the key to turning the existing power systems in the intelligent, measuring, collecting and analyzing energy use. "

The APEC Workshop for two days in AMI and smart grid follows the APEC Expert Group on Energy 37th New and Renewable Technologies meeting held this week in Taipei China, where energy experts economies APEC met to discuss their current priority needs energy.

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Keystone XL pipeline EIA found "no significant impact"

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Orocobre progress reports on its flagship project Olaroz Salt

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BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA, August 30, 2011 (MARKET WIRE – Orocobre Limited (ASX: L'Osservatore Romano –


          - The process of due diligence by Toyota Tsusho and JOGMEC has been completed             without significant problems arising         - Terms of the agreement with Toyota Tsusho expected to be completed in 4Q             2011         - Approval received from EIS UGAMP additions, updates previously             EIA adopted the results of DFS         - A strong local support for the project is evident, with active Orocobre             committed to obtaining final approval from the provincial government         - The detailed engineering work continues SKM 

Orocobre Limited (ASX: L'Osservatore Romano ("Orocobre," "the Company" is pleased to provide an update on the Salt Company Olaroz lithium potash project in the province of Jujuy in northwest Argentina, where a feasibility study for a 16,400 tonnes per year of the lithium battery of high purity carbonate operation was completed earlier this year.

Toyota Tsusho Corporation Agreement

Since the completion of definitive feasibility study ("DFS" the company has actively engaged in finalizing agreements with its strategic partner, Toyota Tsusho Corporation ("Toyota Tsusho", Japanese government Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation ("JOGMEC" and a major Japanese bank.

Toyota Tsusho is the organization of debt financing for a minimum of 60% of capital funding needs for the project Olaroz through a line of low-cost credit to be guaranteed through JOGMEC. Complete documentation was provided to the DFS Toyota Tsusho on June 9, 2011.

Since then, due diligence in the DFS and the project has been carried out by technicians of Toyota Tsusho, legal and accounting advisors, as well as JOGMEC. The selection of the lender is well underway and is expected to be binding the person appointed shortly. No material issues have arisen due diligence.

Toyota Tsusho and Orocobre also been progress toward completion of the commercial terms of their agreements including the entrance exam for the equity of 25% of Toyota Tsusho, the joint venture agreement and off-take agreements. Orocobre has approved the application of Toyota Tsusho for an extension period of 90 days specified in the term sheet announced on January 18, 2010 to allow these provisions will be completed, and the terms of this extension are currently being finalized .

The company expects to finalize the terms of their agreements with Toyota Tsusho early in the fourth quarter of 2011, the Japanese bank and finance JOGMEC to be completed by early first quarter 2012 subject to completion of the approval process in the province of Jujuy .

Approval Process

The company remains very active in the process of approvals Jujuy provincial government was introduced in March 2011 for projects in the stages of exploration or exploitation. Orocobre has provided extensive information to the Committee of Experts was formed to consider the draft and made a series of formal presentations to the Committee.

In addition, the company has made significant progress in Jujuy by building a series of pre-established relationships with local communities, governments and other regulatory bodies.

Orocobre continues to receive strong local support for the project Olaroz. As previously reported, representatives of relevant local communities have supported the project Olaroz written to the Minister of Provincial Production expressing the fervent hope that the project receives all necessary approvals to allow commercial production to begin. Orocobre believes that the approval process continues to progress favorably and expects final approval granted within viable.

Moreover, as noted above, the unit of Mines Environmental Management (UGAMP approved the addendum to the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS for the proposed Olaroz. The addenda updated previously approved Environmental Impact Statement, with the results of The company recently completed DFS. The additions also addressed the development of a pipeline to support the needs of the operation of energy. UGAMP committee is composed of twelve members from various government departments, stakeholders and local communities that revisions to EIA for mining projects before approval by the Provincial Director of Mines and Energy. It is believed that a favorable recommendation from UGAMP bodes well for the recommended waiting period before the Committee of Experts.

Detail Engineering

Following the appointment of Sinclair Knight Merz ("SKM" as engineers to carry out detailed engineering studies, the project engineering team has been assembled and work has begun. The initial focus has conducted a review of the plan execution contained in the DFS to accelerate the development of projects once funding and approvals have been completed.

Orocobre Director General, Richard Sevilla was very happy to provide an update on the funding agreement with Toyota Tsusho and advancements in the approval process.

"We are pleased with our progress, both with our strategic partner, Toyota Tsusho, and the final approval process. We are increasingly confident that we will achieve a positive outcome of these two areas of work within our desired time frame and that will be developing this project in early 2012 as planned, "Mr. Sevilla said.

"The project will Olaroz broad benefits for local communities – the benefits and strong local relationships Orocobre give us confidence that a strong local community support for our project will continue to exist."

"Olaroz is a sustainable long-term project with excellent economic and environmental profile, and the lowest operating costs in advance, should generate substantial long-term benefits for shareholders and stakeholders. "

About Orocobre Limited

Orocobre Limited is listed on the Stock Exchange of Australia (ASX: L'Osservatore Romano and the Toronto Stock Exchange and is the leading developer of lithium-potassium, lithium and potassium in the Puna region rich in Argentina for more information visit www.orocobre.com ..


This new release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation. Specifically, this press release contains forward-looking statements related to the Project Olaroz. Forward-looking statements are based on certain key expectations and assumptions made by Orocobre, including assumptions about the timing of development, construction, and production of the Salar de Olaroz project, expectations and assumptions management believes it is reasonable Orocobre in this time. Although Orocobre believes that the expectations and assumptions on which such forward-looking statements are reasonable based on the date of this press release, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements and information as may Orocobre no guarantee that that will demonstrate be correct. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions, by their nature involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, including the risks described in the annual information Company Form for the year ended June 30, 2010 filed on www.sedar.com. Statements subject to risks and uncertainties contained in this release are made as of the date hereof and Orocobre assumes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless so required by applicable securities laws.

ABN 31112589910

          Contacts:         Australia and Asia         Limited Orocobre         Richard Seville         Director General         M 61419916338          FTI Consulting         Gemma Young         +61 8 9386 1233 or M: +61 412 349 345          North America         Limited Orocobre         Bruce Rose         VP-Corporate Development         M + 1 (604 377 1423  www.orocobre.  Jessica Wagner FD com +1 (312 861 4707 or M: +1 (646 258 7439 Jessica.wagner @ fd.com 

SOURCE: Orocobre Limited

  http://www.orocobre.com mailto: Jessica.wagner @ fd.com 

Copyright 2011 Marketwire, Inc. All rights reserved.

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