среда, 30 мая 2012 г.

BLM releases draft on plans for SunZia SW Transmission Line

SANTA FE – The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public input on the draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS for the SunZia Southwest Transmission Line Project in New Mexico and Arizona. A Notice of Availability for the DEIS was published in the Federal Register on Tuesday, May 29, 2012. Comments about the proposed project will be accepted until August 22, 2012.

SunZia Transmission, LLC, proposes to construct, operate, and maintain two parallel overhead 500 kilovolt transmission lines located on Federal, State, and private lands from the proposed SunZia East Substation in Lincoln County, New Mexico, to the existing Pinal Central Substation in Pinal County, Arizona. The length of the transmission lines would range from 460 miles to more than 500 miles depending on which route alignment is selected. The project has the potential to add 3,000 to 4,500 megawatts of added electric capacity to the desert southwest region of the United States.

The plan also calls for the connection to up to five substations, one of which will be located in Luna County.

The Draft EIS provides a comprehensive analysis of potential environmental impacts that could result from project development. Release of the draft plan follows an extensive public involvement process initiated by the BLM in 2009 to identify relevant issues and concerns.

«The BLM has been working with its cooperating agencies to respond to the issues raised by the public,» said Bill Merhege, BLM’s Deputy State Director for Lands and Resources. «We feel the Draft EIS provides for a balanced approach to resolving these planning issues.»

The BLM will host several public meetings in Arizona and New Mexico during a 90-day public comment period. Project specialists will be available at the meetings to provide information about the Draft EIS and to answer questions about the proposed project. All interested parties are encouraged to attend the meetings which will be announced at least 15 days prior to their scheduled date at locations to be determined.

The Draft EIS, and other information about the project, is available from the project website at www.blm. gov/nm/sunzia or by contacting the BLM Project Lead Adrian Garcia at 505.954.2199.

The project began in 2008 with Phase I, development and is expected to begin construction by 2014. In Luna County alone, developers project the creation of 530 jobs during construction with $40 million in wages and nearly $9 million in local property tax revenues.

For more information, visit the project’s website at www.sunzia.net.

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