четверг, 3 ноября 2011 г.

AXI Immo leases another 7000 sqm

AXI Immo has brokered the lease of 7,000 sqm of warehouse space. Recently, the broker has concluded two lease agreements for Premium Distributors company belonging to the Eurocash Group.

Premium Distributors from Eurocash Group, a nationwide distributor of alcoholic beverages, leased modern warehouse space in two logistics centres. The alcohol distributor leased 4,600 sqm in Warsaw's Bokserska Office Center and 2,400 sqm in Panattoni Park Wrocław. AXI Immo in total brokered contracts for the lease of 7,000 sm for Eurocash Group. The new warehouses in Wrocław and Warsaw will certainly facilitate and improve the customer service process in two important regions for the food industry.

The size of the leases and the sector of the tenants confirm the current trend in the warehouse real estate market, which shows that in recent years the most active companies are in the food industry. In order to optimise the costs of their activities, they need good quality logistics centres in prime locations.

«Since the beginning of 2011, the demand for warehouse space has been increasing steadily. This year, the number of transactions will not reach the level from before the crisis, but it will be better than the last two years. There is a lot of activity from companies in the food industry, who are interested in parks and warehouses near provincial cities," says Renata Osiecka, Managing Partner by AXI Immo.

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