пятница, 28 октября 2011 г.

Axi Immo leases 8100 sqm at Panattoni Błonie II Park

AXI Immo acted as agent in the lease of 8,100 sqm in Panattoni Błonie II Park. MPM Product extended the lease contract for 3,500 sqm, and ID Logistic company leased 4,600 sqm.

The real estate advisor intermediated in the conclusion of two contracts, the total volume of which reached 8,100 sqm. MPM Product Company – Polish manufacturer of small white goods, has extended the lease contract for 3,500 sqm in Panattoni Błonie II Park, and ID Logistic – one of the largest logistics operators in Poland, has leased 4,600 sqm in the same Park.

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