пятница, 30 ноября 2012 г.

EIS finds 'incredible' difference in music tuition fees across country

Music tuition for school pupils in Perth costs almost twice as much as lessons for pupils in Fife, according to a new report by the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS.

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The vast difference in charges for music tuition in different areas in Scotland has been uncovered in the report.

In Fife annual music tuition costs only £125, but in Perth and Kinross the cost is £246.

In Dundee music lessons cost just £132, but another £83 is charged for use of an instrument, while in Angus fees are £183.

Perth and Kinross Council received £202,796 in the year to June 2012 from tuition from 1,051 pupils, 250 of whom were exempt from charges.

Dundee City council netted a total of £102,097 though would not disclose how many pupils received tuition.

Fife taught 2,665 pupils in the last academic year, 914 of whom were exempt from charges. 1,238 children in Angus received tuition with 454 exemptions. Fife and Angus wouldn’t disclose their total revenue figures to the EIS freedom of information request.

Aberdeen City Council had the highest annual charge at £340 and had netted more than £500,000 in fees last year.

Highland Council closely followed with a total of £453,000.

EIS general secretary Larry Flanagan said he found the difference in the level of fees charged »incredible».

He said: »While some local authorities levy no charges at all for music tuition or charge simply to cover costs, others are charging pupils excessive fees and generating substantial profits into the council coffers.

»Two local authorities in particular are responsible for generating almost a million pounds in collective profit through music instruction fees, with both taking in around £500,000 more from pupils than it costs to operate the service.

»These councils, and the others who are profiting from pupils’ eagerness to learn, need to explain their actions and outline precisely how this excess revenue is being spent to support music education in our schools.»

The overall figure from the 50,000 pupils receiving tuition nationwide was £2.8 million.

The results of the EIS investigation will be submitted to the Scottish Parliament’s education and culture committee.

Mr Flanagan added: »It is truly shocking, at a time of deep cuts to music tuition in schools across Scotland, that local authorities are collectively raking in profits of almost £3 million from charges for music tuition.

»Education should be about providing an equal opportunity for all to benefit and learn but, sadly, in the case of music instruction a small number of pupils are being charged a heavy price for developing their talents in music.

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CA Immo increases rental by 9.

The first nine month of the year have brought positive results for CA Immo in all its operational business areas. Compared to the same period last year, rental income increased by 9.5% to € 212.2 m. The increase in rent was mainly the result of development projects completed in Germany. The result from renting attributable to letting activities after the deduction of direct management costs rose from €164.2 m to € 187.1 m. In addition to the absolute increase, the margin (result from renting in relation to rental income also rose significantly, from 84.8% to 88.2%. The net operating income (NOI increased by 14. 5 % to € 189.8 m.

During the first nine month of 2012, the sale of properties generated revenues of € 67.0 m. Around 91% were attributable to the disposal of long-term properties, with undeveloped sites in Berlin making up the majority of this. The contribution to earnings was € 9.9 m in total (thereof trading portfolio contributed € 4.0 m and € 5.9 m came from the disposal of long-term properties. The sale of the Warsaw Financial Center (agreed in August 2012 for an approx. volume of € 210m, of which CA Immo attracted a proportion of 50% was concluded in November; the transaction will have a positive impact on the result of the fourth quarter 2012.

The decline in indirect expenditures (by -5.9% to € -29.2 m was mainly the result of lower personnel spending as well as lower legal and consultancy costs. Higher rental income also brought about a sharp rise in earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA, which rose by 9.1% from € 160.1 m in the previous year to € 174.7 m. The Eastern Europe segment has the largest share of Group EBITDA (approximately 52% with an EBITDA of € 90.3 m.

The revaluation result on the balance sheet date 30 September 2012 was € 5.8 m. From a regional viewpoint, the revaluation result comprises upward valuations of € 32.0 m in Germany as well as devaluations in the Eastern Europe segment (€ -24.9 m and Austria (€ -1.4 m. Positive effects in Germany primarily stemmed from the completion of Tower185. The negative result in Eastern Europe was largely the result of devaluations on logistical sites in Poland and the Ukraine which are linked to the restructuring of project financing having a favorable non-recurring effect in the amount of € 20.8 m, which has been recognised in the financial result in the first quarter.

The financial result was € -117.6 m, compared to € -134.1 m last year. Taking account of interest on recently completed properties (Tower185, Skygarden and Ambigon, financing costs increased by 6.3% to € -128.4 m. The financial result as at 30 September 2012 also contains a negative contribution from the valuation of interest-rate hedges of € -10.1 m (€ -17.4 m on 30.9.2011. Overall, the developments described above gave rise to net income before taxes (EBT for the first three quarters of 2012 in the amount of € 59.2 m, compared to € 66.5 m for 2011. Consolidated net profit after non-controlling interests increased by 27.2 % to € 39.0 m (€ 30.7 m on 30.9.2011.

Funds from operations after taxes (FFO stood at € 77.1 m in the first nine month of 2012 compared to € 41.2 m in the same period last year.

As at 30 September 2012, the equity ratio of CA Immo was 30 %. The Groups net debt stood at € 3.2 bn, alongside property assets of around € 5.4 bn. As at 30 September 2012, net asset value stood at € 1.7 bn (€ 19.03 per share, equivalent to a decrease of -0.7% on the value at the start of the year. The NNNAV per share stood at € 19.68.

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SPARKASSEN IMMOBILIEN AG : S IMMO AG: third quarter results confirm …

• Proceeds of property sales totalling EUR 130.1m
• Earnings per share up from EUR 0.24 to EUR 0.29
• S IMMO Share: upwards trend in the capital market

For stock exchange listed S IMMO AG (Bloomberg: SPI:AV, Reuters: SIAG.VI the first three quarters of the financial year 2012 have proved highly successful. The Company has achieved increases in key indicators such as consolidated net income and .

Gross profit
Total revenues for the first three quarters of 2012 amounted to EUR 146.3m. The rental income continued at a satisfactory level in spite of the successful property sales – while the property portfolio decreased by 5.8%, rental income declined by only 2.5% to EUR 89.5m, compared with EUR 91.8m for the same period last year. Revenues from hotel operations (revenues from the Vienna and Budapest Marriott Hotels, both operated under management agreements increased slightly, from EUR 29.3m to EUR 29.5m. The gross profit from hotel operations in the third quarter of 2012 came to EUR 6.2m, compared with EUR 6.9m in the third quarter of 2011. In total, gross profit for the first three quarters dropped slightly by 2.9% to EUR 77.8m, compared with EUR 80.1m in the same period last year.

Successful property disposals
As at 30 September 2012 the sale proceeds totalled EUR 130.1m, compared with EUR 40.5m for the same period last year. This means that by the end of the third quarter, S IMMO had already more than achieved its goal of disposing of properties to the value of EUR 100m in 2012. The gains on disposals came to EUR 9.7m. Despite the property sales, fell by only 1.8%, to EUR 75.3m, compared with EUR 76. 6m for the first nine months of 2011. Gains from property valuations for the first three quarters of 2012 came to EUR 5.5m (Q3 2011: EUR 4.3m and were entirely attributable to the German property portfolio. At EUR 73.9m (Q3 2011: EUR 74.0m, for the period remained more or less unchanged.

Further increase in net profit for the period
Financing costs for the first three quarters of 2012 amounted to EUR 41.8m, compared with EUR 40.3m for the same period last year. The difference was partly due to a non-cash foreign exchange loss of EUR 2.0m, as opposed to a foreign exchange gain of EUR 3. 3m for the first three quarters of 2011. The Group’s consolidated net income for the third quarter came to a very satisfactory EUR 20.4m, compared with EUR 20.3m for the same period last year, a slight increase of 0.7% despite the reduced portfolio.

Key indicators at very satisfactory levels
rose by 7.7% in the first three quarters of 2012 to EUR 24.9m. The corresponding figure last year was EUR 23.1m. With S IMMO’s of EUR 324.9m at 30 September 2012, the was a very satisfactory 10.2%. Because of property disposals, fell by 3.1% to EUR 72.7m, compared with EUR 75.0m for the same period last year. However, the margin improved by 0.3 percentage points to 49.7%. This is attributable to increases in efficiency and a reduction in property related costs. As at 30 September 2012 the balance sheet stood at EUR 7.01 per share (31 December 2011: EUR 6.96 per share. The , the of the share calculated in accordance with the guidelines of the , was EUR 9.02 per share (31 December 2011: EUR 8.70 per share. Earnings per share increased to EUR 0.29 (Q3 2011: EUR 0.24.

S IMMO has considerable successes to report in : In Romania and Bulgaria – still the two most challenging markets – the Group was thrilled to welcome well-known companies such as Atos, Merck and Abbott as new tenants in its office developments. Sun Offices in Bucharest was awarded a Green Building Certificate by BREEAM. Further freehold apartments in S IMMO’s Vienna office and residential property Neutor 1010 were also disposed of, at very favourable prices. The extensive refurbishment activities of the past few years have had a positive effect on the German portfolio: In Munich and Berlin approximately 2,200 m² have been let to well-known tenants such as the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.

Upwards trend in the capital markets
After some challenging quarters, over the past few months there have been definite signs of an upwards trend in the capital markets. Since the beginning of the year the S IMMO Share price has increased by 6.0%, to close the third quarter at EUR 4.77. On 21 November 2012 the S IMMO Share stood at EUR 4.91. This rise went hand in hand with an increase in trading volumes. In the coming months the Company will continue the repurchase programmes for the S IMMO Share and the S IMMO INVEST participating certificate as planned. S IMMO’s dividend distribution start in June 2012 represents a change in long-term strategy with the intention to continue to pay dividends in the years to come.

Outlook: in excellent shape for 2013
In the currently still challenging environment, S IMMO benefits from the diversification of its portfolio by region and property use type. In Germany, at present the most profitable of its markets, the Group is taking advantage of the current buoyancy of the residential market. The goal of disposing of around 5% of the portfolio for at least EUR 100m this year has already been achieved. S IMMO’s plan for 2013 is to do the same. The Group will use the proceeds of sale, among other things, to reduce the from its current level of around 55% to under 50%.

Development activities over the next few years will be concentrated on the inner city Quartier Belvedere Central project around Vienna’s new Central Station. In the coming years, S IMMO and its partners will be developing a mixture of office, hotel and retail properties with gross floor space of around 130,000 m².

01 – 09/2012

01 – 09/2011



151. 9

Rental income 



Revenues from



Revenues from hotel operations

29. 5


Other operating income



Expenses directly attributable to properties


-54. 5

Hotel operating expenses 



Gross profit


80. 1

Income from property disposals 



of property disposals 


-31. 3

Gains on property disposals



Management expenses




76. 6

Depreciation and amortisation



Gains on property valuation 


4. 3

Operating result (



Financing costs 




-9. 4


Net income before taxes ( 



Taxes on income 


-3. 7

Consolidated net income



of which attributable to shareholders in parent company


16. 7

of which attributable to non-controlling interests 



Earnings per share (EUR 



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S Immo scales down Management Board

S Immo AG announces that the number of Management Board members will be reduced from three to two. It has been amicably agreed that Holger Schmidtmayr’s current term of office, set to expire on 31 January 2013, will not be extended. His responsibilities will be taken over by the remaining members of the Management Board, Ernst Vejdovszky and Friedrich Wachernig.

Holger Schmidtmayr has been a member of the Management Board since 01 October 2004. He has played a major role in the expansion of S Immo AG into new markets, and in bringing in new groups of investors to the Company. He was responsible for six capital increases amounting in total to some 450 million Euro.

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Donnerstag, 29.

EANS-Adhoc: S IMMO AG / Q3-Zahlen bestätigen erfolgreiche

Ad-hoc-Mitteilung übermittelt durch euro adhoc mit dem Ziel einer
europaweiten Verbreitung. Für den Inhalt ist der Emittent verantwortlich.


S IMMO AG: Q3-Zahlen bestätigen erfolgreiche Geschäftsentwicklung

– Periodenüberschuss auf EUR 20 Mio. gesteigert
– Immobilienverkäufe mit Gesamterlös von EUR 130,1 Mio.
– Ergebnis pro Aktie von EUR 0,24 auf EUR 0,29 erhöht
– S IMMO Aktie: Aufwärtstrend am Kapitalmarkt

Die börsennotierte S IMMO AG (Bloomberg: SPI:AV, Reuters: SIAG.VI war auch im
dritten Quartal des laufenden Geschäftsjahres sehr erfolgreich. Das Unternehmen
konnte wichtige Kennzahlen wie Periodenüberschuss und Funds From Operations

Entwicklung des Bruttoergebnisses
Im dritten Quartal 2012 betrugen die Gesamterlöse EUR 146,3 Mio. Die darin
enthaltenen Mieterlöse entwickelten sich trotz erfolgreicher Immobilienverkäufe
zufriedenstellend. Während sich der Immobilienbestand um 5,8 % reduzierte,
verringerten sich die Mieterlöse trotz Veräußerungen nur um 2,5 % und beliefen
sich auf EUR 89,5 Mio. (Q3 2011: EUR 91,8 Mio. . Die Erlöse aus der
Hotelbewirtschaftung (Erlöse der in Form von Managementver-trägen betriebenen
Hotels Vienna Marriott und Budapest Marriott lagen auf leicht erhöhtem Niveau
bei EUR 29,5 Mio. (Q3 2011: EUR 29,3 Mio.. Das Bruttoergebnis aus der
Hotelbewirtschaftung betrug im dritten Quartal 2012 EUR 6,2 Mio. (Q3 2011: EUR
6,9 Mio.. In Summe reduzierte sich das Bruttoergebnis geringfügig um 2,9 % auf
EUR 77,8 Mio. (Q3 2011: EUR 80,1 Mio..

Gewinnbringende Immobilienverkäufe
Die Erlöse aus der Veräußerung von Immobilien betrugen per 30.09.2012 EUR 130,1
Mio. (Q3 2011: EUR 40,5 Mio. . Damit hat die S IMMO ihr Ziel, Immobilien im
Wert von EUR 100 Mio. zu verkaufen, bereits im dritten Quartal deutlich
übertroffen. Der sich daraus ergebende Veräußerungsgewinn belief sich auf EUR
9,7 Mio. Trotz der Verkäufe sank das EBITDA nur leicht um 1,8 % auf EUR 75,3
Mio. (Q3 2011: EUR 76,6 Mio.. Das Ergebnis aus der Immobilienbewertung machte
zum Ende des dritten Quartals 2012 EUR 5,5 Mio. aus (Q3 2011: EUR 4,3 Mio..
Die Aufwertungen bezogen sich in der Berichtsperiode zur Gänze auf das deutsche
Immobilienportfolio. Das EBIT blieb im Vergleich zur Vorjahresperiode nahezu
unverändert und betrug EUR 73,9 Mio. (Q3 2011: EUR 74,0 Mio..

Periodenüberschuss weiter gesteigert
Das Finanzergebnis betrug per 30.09.2012 EUR -41,8 Mio. (Q3 2011: EUR -40,3
Mio.. Die Veränderung ist unter anderem auf einen nicht cashwirksamen
Fremdwährungsverlust von EUR 2,0 Mio. zurückzuführen (Q3 2011:
Fremdwährungsgewinn von EUR 3,3 Mio.. Insgesamt wurde das dritte Quartal 2012
mit einem sehr zufriedenstellenden Periodenüberschuss von EUR 20,4 Mio. (Q3
2011: EUR 20,3 Mio. abgeschlossen, was einem leichten Anstieg von 0,7 % bei
geringerem Portfoliovolumen entspricht.

Wesentliche Kennzahlen auf sehr gutem Niveau
Die Funds From Operations (FFO erhöhten sich in den ersten drei Quartalen 2012
um 7,7 % und betrugen EUR 24,9 Mio. (Q3 2011: EUR 23,1 Mio.. Im Verhältnis zur
Börsenkapitalisierung von EUR 324,9 Mio. per 30.09.2012 ergibt sich eine
attraktive FFO-Rendite von 10,2 %. Obwohl das Net Operating Income (NOI auf
Grund der Immobilienverkäufe um 3,1 % auf EUR 72,7 Mio. leicht zurückging (Q3
2011: EUR 75,0 Mio., verbesserte sich die NOI-Marge um 0,3 Prozentpunkte auf
49,7 %. Dies ist auf Effizienzsteigerungen und Einsparungen im Bereich der
immobilienbezogenen Kosten zurückzuführen. Der Net Asset Value (NAV laut
Bilanz betrug per 30.09.2012 EUR 7,01 je Aktie (31.12.2011: EUR 6,96 je Aktie.
Der EPRA-NAV, der innere Wert der Aktie berechnet nach den Standards der
European Public Real Estate Association, lag bei EUR 9,02 je Aktie (31.12.2011:
EUR 8,70 je Aktie. Das Ergebnis je Aktie konnte auf EUR 0,29 (Q3 2011: EUR
0,24 erhöht werden.

Erfolgreiches Asset Management
Im Asset Management kann die S IMMO beachtliche Erfolge vorweisen: In Rumänien
und Bulgarien, den nach wie vor herausforderndsten Märkten, wurden für die Büro-
Projekte renommierte neue Mieter wie Atos, Merck oder Abbott gewonnen. Die Sun
Offices in Bukarest wurden mit einem Green-Building-Zertifikat von BREEAM
ausgezeichnet. Außerdem konnte die S IMMO in Wien weitere Eigentumswohnungen in
der Büro- und Wohnimmobilie Neutor 1010 zu attraktiven Preisen verkaufen. Im
deutschen Portfolio bringen die umfassenden Revitalisierungsmaßnahmen der
vergangenen Jahre unmittelbare Erfolge mit sich: Rund 2.200 m² wurden in Berlin
und München an renommierte Mieter wie die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung neu

Aufwärtstrend am Kapitalmarkt
Nach durchaus schwierigen Quartalen ist in den letzten Monaten ein
Aufwärtstrend am Kapitalmarkt spürbar: Seit Jahresbeginn erzielte die S IMMO
Aktie einen Anstieg von 6,0 % und beendete das dritte Quartal mit einem
Schlusskurs von EUR 4,77. Am 21.11.2012 schloss die Aktie bei EUR 4,91.
Begleitet wird diese Kursentwicklung von einem höheren Handelsvolumen. In den
nächsten Monaten wird das Unternehmen die Rückkauf-Programme für die S IMMO
Aktie und den S IMMO INVEST Genussschein wie geplant fortsetzen. Die Aufnahme
der Dividendenzahlung im Juni 2012 stellt einen langfristigen Strategiewechsel
dar und soll auch in den kommenden Jahren fortgesetzt werden.

Ausblick: Für 2013 ausgezeichnet aufgestellt
In dem aktuell nach wie vor herausfordernden Umfeld nutzt die S IMMO die
Vorteile ihres nach Regionen und Nutzungsarten diversifizierten Portfolios. In
Deutschland, dem derzeit erfolgreichsten Markt, profitiert das Unternehmen von
der anhaltend guten Stimmung bei Wohnimmobilien. Das gesetzte Ziel, etwa 5 %
des Portfolios mit einem Gesamterlös von mindestens EUR 100 Mio. zu veräußern,
wurde bereits übertroffen. Diesen Plan wird die S IMMO auch im kommenden Jahr
verfolgen. Die erzielten Erlöse werden unter anderem zur Reduktion der Loan-to-
Value-Ratio von derzeit rund 55 % auf unter 50 % verwendet.

Im Bereich Entwicklung liegt der Fokus mittelfristig auf dem innerstädtischen
Projekt Quartier Belvedere Central rund um den neuen Hauptbahnhof in Wien. Auf
einer Bruttogeschoßfläche von etwa 130.000 m² entwickelt die S IMMO gemeinsam
mit Partnern in den kommenden Jahren Büros, Hotels und Geschäftsimmobilien.

Konzern-Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung für den Zeitraum 01.01.2012 – 30.09.2012
in EUR Mio.

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DJ UPDATE: MÄRKTE USA/Zurückhaltung regiert – Internetpapiere im Blick

(NEU: US-Rententabelle

Von Florian Faust

Fiskalklippe, Kaufzurückhaltung und Griechenlandrettung haben den Handel an der Wall Street zum Wochenausklang bestimmt. Per saldo sorgte das jedoch für wenig Bewegung am Aktienmarkt. Mehr zu bieten hatte da schon der Blick auf einige ausgewählte Einzelwerte aus der Internetbranche. Die Aktien von Zynga stürzten um 6,1 Prozent ab. Der Anbieter von virtuellen Spielen hat seine bisher engen Geschäftsbeziehungen mit dem sozialen Netzwerk Facebook gelockert. Demnach muss Zynga künftig bei seinen Spielen keine Anzeigen aus der Facebook-Werbeplattform mehr einblenden oder das Bezahlsystem des sozialen Netzwerks nutzen. Im Gegenzug darf Facebook nunmehr auch selbst Spiele entwickeln und damit Zynga Konkurrenz machen.

Der Höhenflug der Facebook-Titel setzte sich mit den Meldungen fort. Der Wert gewann 2,5 Prozent. Seit Auslaufen der letzten Haltefrist Mitte November hat der Kurs um rund ein Drittel zugelegt. Mit VeriSign zeigte sich ein weiterer Internetwert auffällig. Die Anteilsscheine des Domainbetreibers, der auch digitale Zertifikate vergibt, brachen um 13,2 Prozent ein. Durch eine Vereinbarung mit dem Handelsministerium büßte das Unternehmen bestimmte Möglichkeiten zur Preisanhebung ein.

Am Gesamtmarkt herrschte dagegen spürbare Zurückhaltung. Der Dow-Jones-Index eroberte im Verlauf die Marke von 13.000 Punkten zurück und gewann letztlich 4 Punkte. Dies reichte zum zweiten Wochengewinn in Folge, auf Monatssicht war es jedoch der zweite Verlust hintereinander. Der SP-500 schloss am Freitag unverändert und der Nasdaq-Composite sank um 0,1 Prozent. Am Aktienmarkt kamen auf 1.614 (2.168 Kursgewinner 1.411 (859 -verlierer. Unverändert schlossen 109 (106 Titel. Das Umsatzvolumen fiel auf zog auf 1,18 (Donnerstag: 0,68 Milliarden Stück an. Hauptthema blieben die Verhandlungen über den US-Haushalt. Der republikanische Sprecher des Repräsentantenhauses, John Boehner, sprach von «Stillstand». Auch andere Politiker wie US-Präsident Barack Obama meldeten sich zu Wort, ohne konkrete Ergebnisse zu vermelden.

Ansonsten hielten sich positive und negative Daten die Waage. Die persönlichen Ausgaben und Einkommen lieferten eine leichte Enttäuschung, sie blieben unter den Prognosen. Der Index der Einkaufsmanager in Chicago gab nur ein gemischtes Bild. «Einerseits sind wir wieder über die 50er-Schwelle gesprungen und die Job-Komponente steigt, andererseits sind die Auftragseingänge deutlich gefallen», sagte ein Händler. Mit Erleichterung wurde indes der Beschluss des Deutschen Bundestages zugunsten weiterer Griechenlandhilfen zur Kenntnis genommen. «Die Schlagzeilen aus Europa sorgen für etwas optimistische Stimmung. Die Konsumausgaben kommen dagegen nicht so recht ins Laufen. Das gilt auch für die Investitionen der Unternehmen, solange eine Lösung des Haushaltsstreits auf sich warten lässt», sagte Volkswirt Stephen Guilfoyle von Meridian Equity Partners.

Analysten von Barclays empfahlen, die einzelnen Äußerungen in der Haushaltsdebatte nicht zu hoch zu hängen. Sie raten zum Übergewichten des Dollar gegen Währungen, die stark vom US-Wachstum profitieren. Denn eine rasche Lösung in dem Streit sei unwahrscheinlich. Der Euro hing an der Marke von 1,30 Dollar fest und damit etwas über Vortagesniveau. Der Ölpreis setzte seine Aufwärtsbewegung des Vortages fort.

Ein Barrel US-Leichtöl der Sorte WTI mit Lieferung im Januar stieg um 1,0 Prozent oder 0,84 Dollar auf 88,91 Dollar. Ein Fass der europäischen Referenzsorte Brent verteuerte sich um 0,4 Prozent bzw 0,47 Dollar auf 111,23 Dollar. Die Feinunze Gold fiel dagegen im 0,7 Prozent auf 1.715 Dollar. US-Anleihen kamen wieder zurück, die Rendite der zehnjährigen Staatsanleihen stand damit unverändert bei 1,62 Prozent.

Die Citigroup will in diesem Quartal Berichten zufolge über 150 Stellen streichen und die Boni in der Investment- und Handelssparte um bis zu zehn Prozent kürzen, das Papier tendierte 1,8 Prozent schwächer. Die Aktien des Netzwerkausrüsters Tellabs schnellten um 20,7 Prozent in die Höhe. Die Gesellschaft schüttet eine Sonderdividende von 1 Dollar aus. Die Titel von Yum Brands sanken dagegen um 9,9 Prozent, der Restaurantkettenbetreiber wartete mit einem schwachen Ausblick auf.

INDEX zuletzt +/- % absolut
DJIA 13.025,58 0,03 3,76
SP-500 1. 416,18 0,02 0,23
Nasdaq-Comp. 3.010,24 -0,06 -1,79
Nasdaq-100 2.677,88 -0,08 -2,15

DEVISEN zuletzt ‘+/- % Fr, 8.22 Uhr Do, 18.20 Uhr
EUR/USD 1,3005 -0,12% 1,3020 1,2966
EUR/JPY 107,2232 -0,20% 107,4395 106,4104
EUR/CHF 1,2053 0,07% 1,2045 1,2037
USD/JPY 82,4600 -0,05% 82,5050 82,0700
GBP/USD 1,6021 -0,23% 1,6058 1,6034

KUPON Fälligkeit Kurs Veränderung Rendite Veränderung
1/4% 2-jähr. 99 31/32 unv. 0,250% unv.
1/4% 3-jähr. 100 5/32 + 1/32 0,324% – 1,1BP
3/4% 5-jähr. 100 1/32 + 2/32 0,617% – 1,4BP
1 1/4% 7-jähr. 99 23/32 + 2/32 1,039% – 0,8BP
1 5/8% 10-jähr. 100 2/32 + 4/32 1,607% – 1,7BP
2 3/4% 30-year 99 25/32 – 9/32 2,810% + 1,4BP
Kontakt zum Autor: florian.faust@dowjones.com

(END Dow Jones Newswires

November 30, 2012 16:49 ET (21:49 GMT

Copyright (c 2012 Dow Jones Company, Inc.

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EANS-Adhoc: S IMMO AG/ third quarter results confirm sucessful business performance

ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this

Financial Figures/Balance Sheet/9-month report

S IMMO AG: third quarter results confirm successful business performance

– Consolidated net income up to EUR 20m
– Proceeds of property sales totalling EUR 130.1m
– Earnings per share up from EUR 0. 24 to EUR 0.29
– S IMMO Share: upwards trend in the capital market

For stock exchange listed S IMMO AG (Bloomberg: SPI:AV, Reuters: SIAG.VI the
first three quarters of the financial year 2012 have proved highly successful.
The Company has achieved increases in key indicators such as consolidated net
income and funds from operations.

Gross profit
Total revenues for the first three quarters of 2012 amounted to EUR 146.3m. The
rental income continued at a satisfactory level in spite of the successful
property sales – while the property portfolio decreased by 5. 8%, rental income
declined by only 2.5% to EUR 89.5m, compared with EUR 91.8m for the same period
last year. Revenues from hotel operations (revenues from the Vienna and
Budapest Marriott Hotels, both operated under management agreements increased
slightly, from EUR 29.3m to EUR 29.5m. The gross profit from hotel operations
in the third quarter of 2012 came to EUR 6.2m, compared with EUR 6.9m in the
third quarter of 2011. In total, gross profit for the first three quarters
dropped slightly by 2.9% to EUR 77.8m, compared with EUR 80.1m in the same
period last year.

Successful property disposals
As at 30 September 2012 the sale proceeds totalled EUR 130.1m, compared with
EUR 40.5m for the same period last year. This means that by the end of the
third quarter, S IMMO had already more than achieved its goal of disposing of
properties to the value of EUR 100m in 2012. The gains on disposals came to
EUR 9.7m. Despite the property sales, EBITDA fell by only 1.8%, to EUR 75.3m,
compared with EUR 76.6m for the first nine months of 2011. Gains from property
valuations for the first three quarters of 2012 came to EUR 5.5m (Q3 2011:
EUR 4. 3m and were entirely attributable to the German property portfolio. At
EUR 73.9m (Q3 2011: EUR 74.0m, EBIT for the period remained more or less

Further increase in net profit for the period
Financing costs for the first three quarters of 2012 amounted to EUR 41.8m,
compared with EUR 40.3m for the same period last year. The difference was
partly due to a non-cash foreign exchange loss of EUR 2.0m, as opposed to a
foreign exchange gain of EUR 3.3m for the first three quarters of 2011. The
Group’s consolidated net income for the third quarter came to a very
satisfactory EUR 20. 4m, compared with EUR 20.3m for the same period last year,
a slight increase of 0.7% despite the reduced portfolio.

Key indicators at very satisfactory levels
Funds from operations (FFO rose by 7.7% in the first three quarters of 2012 to
EUR 24.9m. The corresponding figure last year was EUR 23.1m. With S IMMO’s
market capitalisation of EUR 324.9m at 30 September 2012, the FFO yield was a
very satisfactory 10.2%. Because of property disposals, net operating income
(NOI fell by 3.1% to EUR 72.7m, compared with EUR 75.0m for the same period
last year. However, the NOI margin improved by 0. 3 percentage points to 49.7%.
This is attributable to increases in efficiency and a reduction in property
related costs. As at 30 September 2012 the balance sheet net asset value (NAV
stood at EUR 7.01 per share (31 December 2011: EUR 6.96 per share. The EPRA
NAV, the inner value of the share calculated in accordance with the guidelines
of the European Public Real Estate Association, was EUR 9.02 per share
(31 December 2011: EUR 8.70 per share. Earnings per share increased to
EUR 0.29 (Q3 2011: EUR 0.24.

Successful asset management
S IMMO has considerable successes to report in asset management: In Romania and
Bulgaria – still the two most challenging markets – the Group was thrilled to
welcome well-known companies such as Atos, Merck and Abbott as new tenants in
its office developments. Sun Offices in Bucharest was awarded a Green Building
Certificate by BREEAM. Further freehold apartments in S IMMO’s Vienna office
and residential property Neutor 1010 were also disposed of, at very favourable
prices. The extensive refurbishment activities of the past few years have had a
positive effect on the German portfolio: In Munich and Berlin approximately
2,200 m² have been let to well-known tenants such as the Konrad-Adenauer-

Upwards trend in the capital markets
After some challenging quarters, over the past few months there have been
definite signs of an upwards trend in the capital markets. Since the beginning
of the year the S IMMO Share price has increased by 6.0%, to close the third
quarter at EUR 4.77. On 21 November 2012 the S IMMO Share stood at EUR 4.91.
This rise went hand in hand with an increase in trading volumes. In the coming
months the Company will continue the repurchase programmes for the S IMMO Share
and the S IMMO INVEST participating certificate as planned. S IMMO’s dividend
distribution start in June 2012 represents a change in long-term strategy with
the intention to continue to pay dividends in the years to come.

Outlook: in excellent shape for 2013
In the currently still challenging environment, S IMMO benefits from the
diversification of its portfolio by region and property use type. In Germany,
at present the most profitable of its markets, the Group is taking advantage of
the current buoyancy of the residential market. The goal of disposing of around
5% of the portfolio for at least EUR 100m this year has already been achieved.
S IMMO’s plan for 2013 is to do the same. The Group will use the proceeds of
sale, among other things, to reduce the loan to value ratio from its current
level of around 55% to under 50%.

Development activities over the next few years will be concentrated on the
inner city Quartier Belvedere Central project around Vienna’s new Central
Station. In the coming years, S IMMO and its partners will be developing a
mixture of office, hotel and retail properties with gross floor space of
around 130,000 m².

Consolidated income statement for the nine months ended 30 September 2012
EUR m / fair value basis

| |01 – 09/2012 |01 – 09/2011 |
|Revenues |146.3 |151.9 |
| Rental income |89.5 |91.8 |
| Revenues from operating costs |27.3 |30. 8 |
| Revenues from hotel operations |29.5 |29.3 |
|Other operating income |5.1 |5.1 |
|Expenses directly attributable to properties |-50.3 |-54.5 |
|Hotel operating expenses |-23.3 |-22.5 |
|Gross profit |77.8 |80.1 |
|Income from property disposals |130.1 |40.5 |
|Carrying value of property disposals |-120.4 |-31. 3 |
|Gains on property disposals |9.7 |9.2 |
|Management expenses |-12.2 |-12.6 |
|Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and |75.3 |76.6 |
|amortisation (EBITDA | | |
|Depreciation and amortisation |-6.8 |-7.0 |
|Gains on property valuation |5.5 |4.3 |
|Operating result (EBIT |73.9 |74.0 |
|Financing costs |-41. 8 |-40.3 |
|Participating certificates results |-9.4 |-9.8 |
|Net income before taxes (EBT |22.7 |23.9 |
|Taxes on income |-2.3 |-3.7 |
|Consolidated net income |20.4 |20.3 |
| of which attributable to shareholders in parent |19.3 |16.7 |
|company | | |
| of which attributable to non-controlling |1.1 |3. 6 |
|interests | | |
|Earnings per share (EUR |0.29 |0.24 |

|Property information | |30.09.2012 |
|Standing properties |Units |218 |
|Total rented floor space |m² |1,303,841 |
|Gross rental yield |% |6.9 |
|Occupancy rate |% |93.2 |

end of announcement euro adhoc
=——————————————————————————- <!

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The many maladies of Mercedes

Think Obama vs. Romney was a tight race? How about Mercedes-Benz’s fight with BMW for 2012 sales supremacy in the U.S.?

Everyone from industry gurus to mere bystanders are following month-by-month sales unit-by-unit — even without tracking polls. Consider this recent sampling of automotive headlines:

«Mercedes U.S. Sales Rise 7% to expand lead over BMW»

«Strong BMW sales in October narrows Mercedes’ lead»

«Mercedes Dangles $5,000 VIP Discounts to Hold U.S. Lead over BMW. «

«BMW bets on 3 Series to outsell Mercedes-Benz»

Neither of the German automakers is reluctant to use Election Day tactics to nudge the final results their way. Last year, both Mercedes and BMW delayed releasing their 2011 sales numbers for 24 hours in the hope of gaining the upper hand. BMW took the title by a narrow 2,700 vehicles after sweetening customer incentives by $200 in December.

The luxury race should be even more interesting this year, with the prospect that thousands of unsold luxury cars from Europe and China could make their way to the U.S. and ignite an aggressive price war.

But just as larger issues got lost when political reporters focus on the horse race, the preoccupation with who sells more units in a given calendar year is choking out coverage of some longer-cycle problems that are afflicting one of the contestants in particular: Mercedes-Benz.

Mercedes likes to think of itself as the auto industry’s leader, hence its advertising tag line «The best or nothing.» Lately, critics have been focusing on the second half of that slogan.

The Stuttgart giant has been wounded by a variety of woes, including an aging product line, a longstanding weakness in small cars, and abrupt slowdowns in export markets, notably China.

But in recent days, analysts have been drilling down to three more fundamental issues:

1. Mercedes cars cost too much to make.

2. Mercedes is spending too much to attract customers.

3. Mercedes customers are shopping elsewhere anyway, indicating a loss of fascination in the three-pointed star.

The signals are impossible to ignore. Consider profitability. For 2012′s third quarter, BMW reported a pre-tax profit margin on its auto business of 9.6%. That was below analysts’ estimates of 9.9% and well below the 11.9% of a year ago.

But BMW was in high clover compared to Mercedes. Daimler, Mercedes’ corporate parent, reported a pre-tax margin on its auto business of just 6.4%, indicating Mercedes was spending too much and charging too little. Some analysts believe its operating margins are headed to 5% in short order.

Mercedes’ profit problem is easy to diagnose: It has too many workers building too few cars. Credit Suisse analyst Arndt Ellinghorst, quoted in the Detroit News, said Mercedes needs 40% more workers to produce 20% fewer cars than BMW — an enormous disparity. The productivity difference shows up in labor costs measured as a percent of revenues. Ellinghorst figures labor costs at Daimler have reached 16.4% of sales versus 11.2% for BMW.
Worse, Mercedes’ high-cost product line has a hard time attracting customers without heavy discounting. It has been cutting prices like Wal-mart in a downward spiral that has been worsening for a decade.

Ten years ago, Mercedes discounted the sticker prices of its cars sold in the U. S by just 5.1%, according to data compiled by Edmunds.com.

So far in 2012, Mercedes’ discounts have been running at 11% — not far from its all-time high of 12.8% in 2009.

BMW isn’t blameless — it has accelerated its discounting too. But Mercedes’ other luxury competitors are doing a better job of holding the line. Over the past decade, Lexus’ discounts have grown from 4% to 9% while Audi’s price-cutting has actually declined from 7.7% to 6.4% of sticker.

While all that discounting has propped up sales, it hasn’t created much customer loyalty.

After reviewing Edmuunds. com data on cross-shopping, Jessica Caldwell, who handles pricing and industry analysis for the car shopping site, noticed that Mercedes, as a brand, has a higher percentage of shoppers who look at competitive brands than competitive brand shoppers who look at Mercedes.

Caldwell looked at cross-shop data during the last week of September for two key entry-level models, Mercedes’ C-class and BMW’s 3-series. She discovered the relationship between the two models was lopsided: Twice as many C-Class shoppers consider buying a 3-Series as vice-versa. Says Caldwell: «That is quite an imbalance in BMW’s favor. «

Caldwell goes on: «Those are the volume models for both brands, and I thought it would be a closer relationship especially since Mercedes has introduced the trim levels for the C-class that can offer fairly compelling lease payments.»

Is all this making too much of too little? After all, Mercedes didn’t get to be 126 years old by sitting on its hands, and Daimler chairman Dieter Zetsche, who also runs Mercedes, has launched an ambitious revival plan.

Zetsche wants to more than double Mercedes sales to 2.7 million by 2020 in order to make it the world’s best-selling maker of premium automobiles. He’s also pledged that its operating profit margin would grow more than 10% in 2020.

We’ll see. In October, Daimler lowered its forecast for 2012 and scrapped its 2013 profitability goals, which aimed to achieve a 10% operating margin for Mercedes. Analyst Ellinghorst was apoplectic: «I’m simply shocked … The management of Daimler is disappointing once more.»

Either boosting sales or raising margins by themselves would be easy. Doing both is tough. Daimler has reportedly extended Zetsche’s contract three years to 2016, but it may be up to his successor to make good on his pledge.

Meanwhile, here is horse race update: In U.S. sales through October, Mercedes led 232,671 to BMW’s 212,848. Stay tuned for a big December get-out-the-shoppers drive — followed by a January recount.

<a href="http://money.cnn.com/2012/11/15/autos/mercedes-production-cost.fortune/index.html?

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Fitch Expects to Rate Mercedes Benz Master Owner Trust 2012-B; Presale Issued


Fitch Ratings expects to assign the following rating and Outlook to the
notes issued by Mercedes Benz Master Owner Trust (MBMOT 2012-B:

–$250,000,000 Class A ‘AAAsf’; Outlook Stable.

Key Rating Drivers

Good Quality of Receivables: The receivables backing 2012-B are backed
by 91% new vehicles and mainly MB and other OEM new and used vehicles
and are geographically diverse.

Asset Concentrations: Dealers are subject to specific concentration
limits, mitigating the risk of individual dealer defaults and losses.
Additionally, vehicle type concentration limits provide further

Strong Dealer Network: Based on a review of dealer financial metrics,
including absorption rates, operating profits, and dealer net worth
metrics, the financial health of the participating dealer network is
viewed as historically strong, with the majority of dealers being
profitable in 2012.

Strong Trust Performance: MBMOT has continued to experience positive
trends in overall performance, including elevated monthly payment rates
(MPRs and asset yields, low agings and delinquencies, and no dealer
defaults and trust losses.

Sufficient Credit Enhancement: Initial credit enhancement (CE for the
class A notes is 18.62%, consisting of 18.00% required
overcollateralization (OC amount and a 0.62% reserve account.
Structural features include OC step up and early amortization triggers,
which mitigate risks stemming from dealer/manufacturer

Consistent Origination and Servicing: MBFS demonstrates adequate
abilities as an originator, underwriter, and servicer, as evidenced by
the historical delinquency and loss performance of MBMOT.

Legal Structure Integrity: The legal structure of the transaction
provides that a bankruptcy of MBFS would not impair the timeliness of
payments on the securities.

The presale report is available to all investors on Fitch’s website at ‘www.fitchratings.com‘.
For more information about Fitch’s comprehensive subscription service
FitchResearch, which includes all presale reports, surveillance, and
credit reports on more than 20 asset classes, contact product sales at
+1-212-908-0800 or at ‘webmaster@fitchratings.com’.

Additional information is available at ‘www.fitchratings.com‘.
The ratings above were solicited by, or on behalf of, the issuer, and
therefore, Fitch has been compensated for the provision of the ratings.

Applicable Criteria and Related Research:

–’Global Structured Finance Rating Criteria’ (June 6, 2012;

–’Global Rating Criteria for Dealer Floorplan ABS’ (Jan. 25, 2012;

–’Criteria for Interest Rate Stresses in Structured Finance
Transactions’ (March 20, 2012.

Applicable Criteria and Related Research: Mercedes-Benz Master Owner
Trust, Series 2012-B (US ABS


Global Structured Finance Rating Criteria


Global Rating Criteria for Dealer Floorplan ABS

http://www.fitchratings. com/creditdesk/reports/report_frame.cfm?rpt_id=666405

Criteria for Interest Rate Stresses in Structured Finance Transactions

http://www.fitchratings.com/creditdesk/reports/report_frame.cfm? rpt_id=673560


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Mercedes-Benz Driving Academy Los Angeles Reaches One Year Milestone

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 28, 2012 /PRNewswire/ —

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121128/NY20233
(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20100901/NY58315LOGO

In its first year, Mercedes-Benz Driving Academy has reached thousands of teens and parents in Southern California through various activities including, school presentations, free parent and teen workshops, distracted driving demonstrations and other activities.   This first anniversary milestone follows Mercedes-Benz Driving Academy’s recent activities surrounding National Teen Driver Safety Week this past October, where the academy joined state and local safety advocates at Fairfax High School in Los Angeles to encourage and educate teens of the benefits of being safe behind-the-wheel.

With the growing complexity of vehicle technology, Mercedes-Benz Driving Academy recently announced an expanded fleet to provide students with an extensive range of training vehicles.   MBDA is the only known driving school in the nation to offer driver training on such a diverse range of vehicles and drivetrains.  Mercedes-Benz Driving Academy fleet features C-Class Sedans ML Hybrid SUVs, and has recently expanded to include the E350 Diesel, B-Class F-CELL and smart electric.   Later this year a manual transmission SLK250 will be introduced, along with expanded curriculum for new and experienced drivers.  «We believe it is important to provide students with a broad spectrum of vehicles when it comes to their driver training,» said Carolyn Duchene, director of Mercedes-Benz Driving Academy. «By teaching students how to drive vehicles beyond the standard gas-powered automatic transmission, we are offering choices to prepare them for today’s driving environment and wide range of vehicle choices on the market.»

MBDA will continue its advanced offerings in driver education for 2013, which include its flagship Integrated, On-Road and Customized Programs (all with door-to-door pick up/drop off by MBDA’s highly-trained driving coaches as well as DMV Drive Test Service, Distracted Driving Range, and Parent/Teen Workshops.   Additionally, as announced  in September and continuing through  the upcoming year Mercedes-Benz Driving Academy will continue its global expansion with new locations in China, Canada, and the Netherlands. Each of these schools will embody the MBDA core methodology used in Los Angeles, whereby coaching and empowering decision-making are the key tools and mechanisms designed to enable young students to develop the skills necessary to become safer drivers and passengers for life.

Representatives from Mercedes-Benz Driving Academy will be on-hand at the Mercedes-Benz Booth at the Los Angeles International Auto Show, where they will be showcasing one of their DMV-certified vehicles and offering tips on Driver Education Training, Graduated Driver Licensing, and parental involvement at this critical time in their teen’s lives.

Mercedes-Benz Driving Academy, opened in Los Angeles in November 2011, is the first international teen driving school.  Mercedes-Benz is the only automotive manufacturer to operate a state-certified driver education school in the United States.  

Mercedes-Benz Driving Academy features a customized curriculum involving a highly interactive, participatory system of key tactical on-line and classroom components in conjunction with on-road training.  The school’s highly effective coaching-method and unique offerings, including a closed course distracted driving range, aims to improve better decision-making behind the wheel and develop safer drivers for life.  More information on Mercedes-Benz Driving Academy can be found at www.mbdrivingacademy.com.

Mercedes-Benz USA (MBUSA, headquartered in Montvale, New Jersey, is responsible for the distribution, marketing and customer service for all Mercedes-Benz and Maybach products in the United States.  MBUSA offers drivers the most diverse line-up in the luxury segment with 14 model lines ranging from the sporty C-Class to the flagship S-Class sedans and the SLS AMG supercar.  

MBUSA is also responsible for the distribution, marketing and customer service of Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Vans and smart in the US.  More information on MBUSA and its products can be found at www. mbusa.com, www.mbsprinterusa.com and www.smartusa.com.

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Research and Markets: China Smart Meter Industry Report, 2012-2015


Dublin – Research
and Markets
 has announced the addition of the «China
Smart Meter Industry Report, 2012-2015″
report to their

In 2013 and 2014, the demand gap for smart meters in China will be
merely 70 million units or more, and the future demand will show a
downward trend. At the same time, a number of electric meter producers
are conducting capacity expansion; as major manufacturers put investment
projects into operation, the industry will face certain overcapacity in

As of mid-November 2012, the State Grid Corporation of Chin (SGCC
invited three tenders for 58.75 million smart meters, accounting for
98.74% of the total number in 2011.

There are a total of 72 companies that won the bids in the first three
rounds of tenders in 2012, up six from 2011. The industrial
concentration further dropped, CR5 plummeted to 27.48% and CR10 fell to
41.66%. There are three companies in all with more than 5% market share
respectively in 2012, against four ones with over 5% market shares each
in 2011.

Key Topics Covered By China
Smart Meter Industry Report, 2012-2015

1. Definition

1.1 Smart Meter

1.1.1 Development Course

1.1. 2 Classification

1.2 Smart Grid

2. China Smart Meter Industry

2.1 Overview

2.1.1 Tender

2.1.2 Market

2.1.3 Competition

2.2 Policy

2.3 Bidding Rules of SGCC

2.4 Construction Planning of SGCC

2.4.1 Smart Grid

2.4.2 Smart Meter

3. Bidding Market Segments of SGCC

3.1 2S Single-phase Smart Meter

3.1. 1 Overview

3.1.2 Competition

3.2 1S Three-phase Smart Meter

3.2.1 Overview

3.2.2 Competition

3.3 0.5S Three-phase Smart Meter

3.3.1 Overview

3.3.2 Competition

3.4 0.2S Three-phase Smart Meter

3.4.1 Overview

3.4.2 Competition

4. Risks and Trends

4.1 Risks

4.2 Trends

5. Key Companies

Selected Charts

– Beijing Banner Electric

– Hangzhou Sunrise Technology

– Hangzhou Xili Watt-hour Meter Manufacture

– Henan XJ Metering

– Hexing Electrical

– Holley Metering Limited

– Jiangsu Linyang Electronics

– Ningbo Sanxing Electric

– Ningxia LGG Instrument

– Qingdao Gaoke Communication

– Qingdao Techen Electronic Technology

– Risesun Group

– Shenzhen Clou Electronics

– Shenzhen Haoningda Meters

– Wasion Group Holdings Limited

– Yantai Dongfang Wisdom ElecTric

– Zhejiang Bada Electronic Instrument

– Zhejiang CHINT Instrument Meter

– Zhejiang Hengye Electronics

– Zhejiang Wellsun Electric Meter

For more information visit http://www.researchandmarkets.

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Z-Wave Alliance to Demonstrate Interoperable Smart Grid Solutions at Grid-Interop

MILPITAS, CA–(Marketwire – Nov 29, 2012 – The Z-Wave Alliance, a consortium of global companies that oversees the world’s largest interoperable ecosystem for wireless home control products and services, will be conducting demonstrations of demand response solutions for the Smart Grid at the Grid-Interop Conference, to be held in Irving, TX, December 3-6.

The Alliance demonstration will showcase live OpenADR feeds bridged in real time to commercially available Z-Wave products that will automatically change states based on OpenADR requests. Alliance Members BuLogics and Echo Labs will demonstrate hardware and software solutions for these Smart Grid applications. In addition, Alliance Member Universal Devices will participate in a panel discussion on Demand Response Systems.

«Z-Wave is a key enabling technology in the energy management revolution for utilities as well as consumers,» said Mark Walters, Chairman of the Z-Wave Alliance. »As energy providers seek solutions that connect their energy management strategies to rate payers’ loads, Z-Wave offers them the world’s largest ecosystem of interoperable products. Z-Wave is already the technology of choice for the telcos, security companies and retailers that are driving the smart home market and, of course, amongst consumers themselves. Our demos at Grid-Interop will show how simple, effective and instrumental Z-Wave can be for the Smart Grid.» 

At the Grid-Interop event, several Z-Wave Alliance members will conduct demonstrations of Z-Wave’s interoperable enabling capabilities in a live demand response application. One demonstration will consist of a bi-directional OpenADR bridge based on BuLogics’ StratIS cloud service and gateway technologies as designed for large wireless deployments used in commercial properties and multi-dwelling units. These systems will be receiving a live OpenADR 2.0a feed from an Akuacom Demand Response Automation System (DRAS, using its content to control and monitor any of the widely available Z-Wave-based products, reporting on success or failure of the OpenADR response.

In addition, ECHO Labs will demonstrate a commercially available residential/small business-grade energy management solution, featuring 2-way OpenADR communication using a Z-Wave automation system. Running on a Z-Wave-based gateway, ECHO’s ERGY software will receive and interpret OpenADR commands that can be directly used as triggers for automation. ERGY will return, via the OpenADR API, a response indicating whether or not the system’s load was reduced by the amount specified in the OpenADR request. The demonstration hardware will include commercially available Z-Wave products that will automatically change states based on the OpenADR requests, including a gateway, a thermostat and 120 and 240v Z-Wave light switches.

The Grid-Interop conference gathers the industry’s top utility, government, technology and standards leaders to help define the future strategy for Smart Grid technology implementation and interoperability. In partnership with the GridWise Architecture Council (GWAC, Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE, Grid-Interop 2012 will tackle key issues related to utilities’ Smart Grid deployments. Grid-Interop will take place December 3-6 in Irving, TX.

About The Z-Wave Alliance:Established in 2005, the Z-Wave Alliance is an open consortium of leading companies worldwide dedicated to delivering affordable, reliable, easy-to-use, wireless home control products and services.  With more than 700 interoperable products certified and over 160 members, the Alliance represents the largest ecosystem of wireless control products in existence and the global, brand-recognized companies that bring these products and services to market. The Alliance supports its members with marketing, networking, technical forums, training, best practices, test and certification tools and a complete interoperability lab. For more information about the Alliance and how to join it, please email info@z-wavealliance.org or visit www.z-wavealliance.org.

About Z-Wave Technology:Z-Wave is an international wireless standard (ITU-T G.9959 for intelligent, interoperable, low-power, RF mesh networking technology. This powerful smart chip and compact protocol enable two-way RF communications amongst Z-Wave enabled devices, thus allowing products and services from multiple manufacturers to work together seamlessly.  Z-Wave continues to be the technology of choice for industry leaders representing: Security and Access Control, Remote Home/Health Monitoring, Home Entertainment, Hospitality, Energy Management and Connected Home Services. Z-Wave enabled products represent the world’s largest ecosystem of interoperable smart products for the residential and light commercial market. www.z-wave.com

Z-Wave® is a registered trademark of Sigma Designs and its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.

More Information:Z-Wave Alliance1778 McCarthy Blvd.Milpitas, CA 95035USA

Mary MillerMarketing Directormary_miller@sdesigns.com

PR Agency:Sprengel Partner GmbHNisterstrasse 356472 NisterauGermany

Fabian SprengelTel.: +49 (26 61 912 600Fax: +49 (26 61 912 6013fs@sprengel-pr.

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Global Smart Glass & Smart Windows Market Worth $3.

DALLAS, November 29, 2012 /PRNewswire/ –


According to the market research report published by MarketsandMarkets (http://www.marketsandmarkets.com, the total Smart Glass market is expected to reach $3.83 billion by 2017 at a CAGR of 20.3% from 2012 to 2017.

http://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/smart-glass-market-907. html

Beginning in the early 1970s, the number of research activities resulting in patenting of technologies increased rapidly, leading to the development of advanced fabrication processes, enhanced properties, and an increased number of applications across varied verticals such as construction and automotive. Tints were applied to glass to reduce heat transmission and glare, and glass coated with metal oxide films reflected heat or conducted electricity. This marked the first application of «smart glass» in automotive.

Reflective coatings, low emissivity glass, and gas-filled cavities have all been components of energy-efficient windows since decades but with the commercialization of smart glass technologies such as Electrochromic (EC and Suspended Particle Display (SPD among others, there is an increasing adoption of smart glass in both – residential and commercial construction. Smart glass is an essential product to add ‘green’ factor to the building. Smart glass and smart windows helps in achieving zero-energy goals. Energy efficiency, coupled with potential energy harvesting by incorporating PV cells in these glasses is most likely to make it as a key element of smart and green buildings. The green building is currently an enabler of the smart glass market and is most likely to continue driving the market in long run as well.

With introduction of Electrochromic (EC rearview mirrors widely used for its auto dimming property and its ability to dynamically control light. Since then, the industry has a come a long way, thanks to continued research and development in the smart glass technology field. Due to the inherent properties of smart glass to reduce the heat loss and glare control, smart glass is being used as sunroof glass in the high end automobiles such as Mercedes-Benz SLK, Audi and BMW. The high end luxury car is witnessing significant adoption of smart glasses not only as sunroof but also as side windows owing to its ability to control glare, provide shading while preserving views, and improving indoor air quality.

About MarketsandMarkets

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2013 Mercedes-Benz GL63 AMG Front 3/4

  • 2013 Mercedes-Benz GL63 AMG Front 3/4

    2013 Mercedes-Benz GL63 AMG Front 3/4

    The 2013 Mercedes-Benz GL63 AMG will be priced around $120,000 for a fully loaded model.
    | November 26, 2012

1 Photo

Just the Facts:

  • The Mercedes-Benz GL63 AMG, the first AMG version of the luxury SUV, will top out at around $120,000 when it arrives in the U.S. in the first quarter of 2013, Mercedes-Benz told Edmunds.
  • Pricing has not been finalized on the seven-passenger GL63 AMG — and key bits of information, such as fuel-economy numbers, curb weight and towing capacity are also up in the air.
  • The GL63 AMG will be considerably more expensive than the current top-of-the-line GL model, the GL550, which starts at $87,805, including a $905 destination charge.

STUTTGART, Germany — The Mercedes-Benz GL63 AMG, the first AMG version of the luxury SUV, will top out at around $120,000 when it arrives in the U.S. in the first quarter of 2013, Mercedes-Benz told Edmunds.

Pricing has not been finalized on the GL63 AMG — and key bits of information, such as fuel economy numbers, curb weight and towing capacity are also up in the air.

«Pricing is not yet released, but it is around $120,000 fully loaded, including ‘designo’ interior,» wrote Christian Bokich, a Mercedes-Benz spokesman, in response to an e-mailed query from Edmunds.

The high-performance SUV, which seats seven, is equipped with a 550-horsepower AMG biturbo 5.5-liter V8 engine linked to a seven-speed automatic transmission. The cabin gets leather seats, dashboard, armrests and door panels, along with AMG badges.

In comparison, a base 2013 Mercedes-Benz GL-Class starts at $63,305, including a $905 destination charge.

The GL63 AMG is set to outpace aging rivals like the 2013 Cadillac Escalade, in terms of prestige and price. The 2013 Cadillac Escalade ESV Platinum starts at $84,515, including a $995 destination charge.

Edmunds says: Mercedes-Benz apparently is convinced that big, beefy SUVs still have legs — and can command a premium price.

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Mercedes-Benz GL-Class Accessories Range Announced

2013 Mercedes-Benz GL-Class Roof Rack

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Advanced multimedia systems and practical transport solutions are the heart of the GL-Class accessories range. The line-up includes over 160 high-end products available at the launch of the SUV. Comfort, safety, elegance, efficiency – the new GL-Class from Mercedes-Benz shows leadership qualities in all key SUV categories, making it the S-Class among cross-country vehicles. In parallel with the market launch of the first-class SUV, Mercedes-Benz Accessories GmbH is now presenting first-class accessories. The major highlights of the extensive range are provided below.

Powerful dynamics: striking add-on parts and attractive wheels

The off-roader's imposing styling is emphasised by running boards with LED lighting (1299 euros [1] and rugged stainless-steel inlays for easy entry and exit, as well as fin attachments for the air intakes on the bonnet (149 euros. The six-part set is made of galvanised high-gloss chrome-plated synthetic material and can be mounted easily and securely. High-gloss chrome-plated door handle recesses (59 euros add a further visual touch.

The sportiness of the SUV is highlighted by styling components from the high-performance brand AMG. Available for the new GL-Class are, amongst other things: AMG front and rear aprons (price on request, AMG door pins made from high-quality stainless steel (40 euros and AMG door sill panels in brushed stainless steel. The latter are available in two variants: illuminated white (price on request and without illumination (price on request.

10-spoke wheel Surface: himalaya grey, high-sheen Wheel: 8.5 J x 20 ET 62 | Tyre: 275/50 R20

10-spoke wheel Surface: himalaya grey, high-sheen Wheel: 8. 5 J x 20 ET 62 | Tyre: 275/50 R20

The range of attractive 18, 19, and 20-inch light-alloy wheels is extensive. The genuine accessories range from Mercedes-Benz features new products such as distinctive high-sheen 10-spoke wheels for 275/50 R 20 tyres in himalaya grey.

Front and rear mud flaps (95 euros per set protect against dirt and scratches on the side areas, at the rear and on the underbody. Matched to the vehicle contour, the genuine accessory products retain the sporty appearance of the new GL-Class.

Entertained and always up-to-date: advanced multimedia solutions

In tandem with Daimler's Digital DriveStyle app, the Drive Kit Plus for the iPhone (750 euros enables seamless integration of the iPhone into the GL. Amongst others, the highlights include the advanced navigation solution from Garmin, Google online Point Of Interest searches with Street View™, and 3D map depiction. Further functions are: Facebook, Twitter, internet radio, AUPEO!™ personal radio and Glympse, the real-time location sharing app. Glympse provides a way to share your current location with selected individuals. The Drive Kit Plus for the iPhone 4/4S will be available in the first quarter of 2013.

Apple iPad® Rear Integration Plus docking station.  This ergonomic, crash-proof docking station offers a convenient way to bring the iPad1®, iPad2® or iPad3® and all its familiar functions into your vehicle. Apple iPad1® Rear Integration Plus, kit

Apple iPad® Rear Integration Plus docking station. This ergonomic, crash-proof docking station offers a convenient way to bring the iPad1®, iPad2® or iPad3® and all its familiar functions into your vehicle. Apple iPad1® Rear Integration Plus, kit

With the iPad Rear Integration Plus docking station (329 euros [2], the Apple iPad, iPad 2 and iPad 3 tablet PC models can be accommodated safely and ergonomically with all the usual functions in the vehicle's rear compartment. All jacks and ports (such as for the headphones remain accessible. The docking station can be tilted 90 degrees. In addition, the iPad battery can be charged via an integrated USB port by means of a charging cable.

Alternatively, a portable iPad Rear Integration unit is available for 229 euros. This unit is also suitable for the iPad, iPad 2 and iPad 3 and simply attaches to the headrest pillar. It can therefore be removed at any time.

First-class entertainment in the second row is also made possible with the

Rear Entertainment System, which is available as a portable kit (1249 euros [3] or as a permanently installed version [4]. The portable kit includes two 17.8-cm displays with an integrated DVD player with docking station, as well as two infrared headsets and an infrared remote control.

The Becker MAP PILOT (654. 50 euros [5] provides an inexpensive navigation solution for Audio 20 CD. Advantages include integrated control via the central control element, voice output via the vehicle loudspeakers and display on the Audio 20 screen, discreet fitting in the glove box and update and add-on capability via an internet portal.

The new Mercedes-Benz telephone module with Bluetooth (SAP [6] also combines a number of multimedia functions. The telephone module with integrated UMTS module and direct connection to the vehicle antenna provides a fast, stable and secure connection of COMAND Online with the internet. What's more, Mercedes-Benz apps can also be used at the same time as the telephone, for example. The driver can even have text messages read aloud to them.

Of course, in terms of telematics, the accessories range also includes a variety of cradles for popular mobile phones from Apple, RIM and Nokia (from 80 euros.

For the roof and trailer tow hitch: practical transport solutions

With the Alustyle Easy-Fix II basic carrier bars for rails (229 euros, a particularly user-friendly basic carrier bar is available for the Mercedes GL. The carrier bars can be fitted to the roof in just a few steps which can easily be carried out by anyone, without special tools, namely: pre-tension until you hear a click and then tighten using the fastening lever.

lockable rear-mounted cycle rack for secure transport of either 2 or 3 bicycles

lockable rear-mounted cycle rack for secure transport of either 2 or 3 bicycles

The basic carrier bars can also be combined with bicycle racks or ski and snowboard racks (from 99 euros, as well as genuine roof boxes (from 375 euros. The models with a capacity of 330, 400 and 450 litres can be opened from both sides and can be complemented with practical luggage sets (from 137 euros. A further plus: the box's 3-latch locking system provides effective protection against theft.

Alternatively a rear-mounted bicycle rack for the trailer tow hitch is available and can be used to transport two or three bicycles (price: 499 and 599 euros, respectively. The rear-mounted bicycle rack can be locked and folded to a compact size when not in use.

Order in the load compartment is ensured by practical transport solutions such as a luggage net (32 euros, a boot tub (high/low version available; from 80 euros and a special plug-in module (99 euros. These allow the boot to be partitioned in a number of ways and prevent any loads from moving around. The telescopic rods for the plug-in module are secured with floor clips along the outer edges of the cargo floor

  • [1] All prices: recommended retail prices for Germany, including 19% VAT – valid for 2012
  • [2] Installation costs not included
  • [3]Installation costs not included.
  • [4] For vehicles with code 866.
  • [5] In connection with the corresponding basic wiring (SA code 508.
  • [6] Only in connection with comfort telephony (code 386.

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US presence key to F1′s future: McLaren boss

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Return ... Martin Whitmarsh supports the sport's return to the US.

Return … Martin Whitmarsh supports the sport’s return to the US. Photo: AFP

LONDON: McLaren team principal Martin Whitmarsh believes formula one’s return to the United States this weekend is crucial for the sport.

After a five-year absence, F1 embarks on an all-new adventure across the Atlantic at the Circuit of The Americas just outside Texan capital Austin. The hope is that in providing a purpose-built facility, the sport will find a permanent home, as it once did for 20 years, from 1961 to 1980 at Watkins Glen in New York state.

For the teams, their sponsors and partners, in particular for the car manufacturers in Ferrari, Mercedes, McLaren and Lotus, having a foothold in the American market is key.

»I’ve always maintained formula one’s presence in the United States is crucial,» Whitmarsh said. »So I’m personally pleased and satisfied we’re back in America after spending far too long away from its shores. On a wider level, the arrival of a state-of-the-art, purpose-built grand prix track is perfect for formula one.

»This is a golden opportunity for the sport to finally put down roots and find a long-term home. From a business perspective, too, we are in the right place at the right time. This is an invaluable commercial opportunity for the sport, for Vodafone McLaren Mercedes and our partners.»

On the track, there is every hope the latest Hermann Tilke-design, which has drawn inspiration from a number of other circuits, will prove a winner.

The weekend will be Formula One’s 10th attempt to crack the United States market. Riverside, Sebring, Watkins Glen, Dallas, Detroit, Las Vegas, Long Beach, Phoenix and Indianapolis have all played host at some stage over the past 60 years, but without much success.

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16 Nov Lewis Hamilton on Thursday rejected McLaren team chief Martin Whitmarsh’s suggestion that he was having regrets and second thoughts about his decision to leave for Mercedes next season.


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