понедельник, 2 января 2012 г.


•  projects dedicated to the motto of providing
• Long-term cooperation project with Caritas since
• Social projects in Austria and CEE/SEE

Stock exchange listed company S IMMO AG has been supporting
Caritas projects aimed at helping disadvantaged children
and youths in Ukraine and Romania since 2008. In addition,
it co-finances a day centre with a soup kitchen for elderly
people in the Bulgarian village of Pokrovan.

In Austria, S IMMO is supporting the Sonnenmond children’s
hospice in Carinthia for the first time. During the
Christmas campaign, EUR 10 were donated to the project for
every new newsletter subscription and for every tweet about
the campaign. This resulted in the collection and donation
of over EUR 5,000. According to Friedrich Wachernig, Member
of the S IMMO Management Board, «All of the projects
supported by us are dedicated to the theme of providing
shelter and in this way highlight our core business from a
different side – namely the very important social side. Our
selection emphasises our conviction that doing business in
our markets must be combined with a very conscious sense of
social responsibility. »

Hope House in Romania
S IMMO AG financed a Caritas Hope House in Ciumbrud,
Romania, which provides a temporary home for youths. Social
workers help them to find work and a permanent place to
live, and also assist with official business and individual
problems. After their stay in the Hope House, the youths
are given support for at least another six months. Caritas
also provides career, social, legal, and psychological
advice and assistance to children and youths via mobile
units and at the counselling centre in Alba Iulia.

A future for children in Ukraine
Another Caritas project supported by S IMMO AG is a
children’s centre in Kiev. It has 30 places for street
children, social orphans and disadvantaged youths as well
as 15 temporary places for children who are being taken in
by foster families. Children and youths can spend their
free time off the street in the connected day centre.
Caritas operates a vocational training centre in Kiev where
roughly 70 children learn about different occupations every
year. Young people can also take computer and English
courses and job aptitude tests.

Ageing with dignity in Bulgaria
Over 70% of the inhabitants of Pokrovan in Bulgaria are
over the age of 70. They must live on minimal pensions that
are often not even enough to cover the barest necessities.
For this reason, Caritas operates a day centre and a soup
kitchen in this village and arranges medical care for the
elderly population, all with the support of S IMMO AG.
Mobile teams also provide assistance to ill and bedridden

» is of particular importance to S IMMO. Our social
commitment is focused on long-standing, reliable
cooperation projects: The only way to make a sustainable
positive difference is to serve as a long-term partner,»
said Friedrich Wachernig. In addition to social facilities,
S IMMO supports the Vienna Kunstsupermarkt art sales
project and the Turn On architecture festival.

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